API Changelog
24 January 2025 Release
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName'
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName'
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_RESUMED, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_DROPPED_LOG, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_RESUMED, PUSH_BASED_LOG_EXPORT_STOPPED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/eventTypeName' response property
22 January 2025 Release
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_IP_MIGRATED_FINAL_ROUND, CLUSTER_IP_MIGRATED_FIRST_ROUND, CLUSTER_IP_MIGRATED_SECOND_ROUND, CLUSTER_IP_ROLLED_BACK' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_IP_MIGRATED_FINAL_ROUND, CLUSTER_IP_MIGRATED_FIRST_ROUND, CLUSTER_IP_MIGRATED_SECOND_ROUND, CLUSTER_IP_ROLLED_BACK' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
21 January 2025 Release
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_MIGRATE_BACK_TO_AWS_MANAGED_IP_REQUESTED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_MIGRATE_BACK_TO_AWS_MANAGED_IP_REQUESTED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
13 January 2025 Release
- Endpoint reactivated
10 January 2025 Release
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #15: Stream Processor Alert Configuration -> subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- Removed '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' from the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' from the request body 'oneOf' list
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #15: Stream Processor Alert Configuration -> subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #15: Stream Processor Alert Configuration -> subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- Removed '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #15: Stream Processor Alert Configuration -> subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- Removed '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #15: Stream Processor Alert Configuration -> subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- Removed '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' from the request body 'oneOf' list
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #15: Stream Processor Alert Configuration -> subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' request property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/''
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #15: Stream Processor Alert Configuration -> subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- Removed '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' from the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' from the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #15: Stream Processor Alert Configuration -> subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/webhookSecret' response's property type/format changed from 'string'/'password' to 'string'/'' for status '200'
- Removed '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' from the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the enum values 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' of the request property 'roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property 'roles/items/'
- Removed the enum values 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' of the request property '/items/roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property '/items/roles/items/'
- Removed the 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values from the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Removed the 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values from the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Removed the enum values 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' of the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added the new 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Removed the 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values from the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Removed the enum values 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' of the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added the new 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Removed 'subschema #27: Flex Metric Event Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the 'HOST_X509_CERTIFICATE_CERTIFICATE_GENERATED_FOR_SUPPORT_ACCESS' enum value from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #27: Flex Metric Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'subschema #27: Flex Metric Event Types' from the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the 'HOST_X509_CERTIFICATE_CERTIFICATE_GENERATED_FOR_SUPPORT_ACCESS' enum value from the '/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #27: Flex Metric Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values from the 'results/items/roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'results/items/roles/items/' response property
- Removed the 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values from the 'roles/items/' response property
- Removed the enum values 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' of the request property 'roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property 'roles/items/'
- Removed the 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values from the 'roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'roles/items/' response property
- Removed the 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values from the 'roles/items/' response property
- Removed the enum values 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' of the request property 'roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property 'roles/items/'
- Removed the 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values from the 'roles/items/' response property
- Removed the enum values 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' of the request property '/items/roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property '/items/roles/items/'
- Api path removed without deprecation
- Endpoint added
08 January 2025 Release
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: Flex Metric Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/FlexMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property 'roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property '/items/roles/items/'
- Added the new 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added the new 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S40_STORAGE_NVME, S50_STORAGE_NVME, S60_STORAGE_NVME, S80_STORAGE_NVME, S90_STORAGE_NVME' enum values to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added 'subschema #27: Flex Metric Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #27: Flex Metric Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'results/items/roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property 'roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property 'roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the 'roles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_BACKUP_MANAGER, GROUP_OBSERVABILITY_VIEWER' enum values to the request property '/items/roles/items/'
- Endpoint added
03 January 2025 Release
- Added the optional properties 'services/clusters/items/futureInbound, services/clusters/items/futureOutbound' to the response
01 January 2025 Release
- Endpoint with API Version '2023-01-01' was removed as it has reached its sunset date '2025-01-01'
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Endpoint with API Version '2023-01-01' was removed as it has reached its sunset date '2025-01-01'
19 December 2024 Release
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types]/'
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId'
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types]/'
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #15: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #15: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #15: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #15: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #10: SMS Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Team Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #12: User Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #13: VictorOps Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Webhook Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Email Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Group Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #4: HipChat Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Microsoft Teams Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #6: OpsGenie Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Org Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #8: PagerDuty Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Slack Notification]/notifierId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types]/' response property
- The 'results/items/tenantId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The '/tenantId' request property's minLength was decreased from '36' to '0'
- Removed the pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' from the request property '/tenantId'
- The '/tenantId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The '/tenantId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'deletable' to the response
- Added the optional property 'deletable' to the response
- The 'azureServicePrincipals/items/atlasAzureAppId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The 'azureServicePrincipals/items/servicePrincipalId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The 'azureServicePrincipals/items/tenantId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '/roleId'
- The '/atlasAzureAppId' request property's minLength was decreased from '32' to '0'
- The '/servicePrincipalId' request property's minLength was decreased from '32' to '0'
- The '/tenantId' request property's minLength was decreased from '32' to '0'
- Removed the pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' from the request property '/atlasAzureAppId'
- Removed the pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' from the request property '/servicePrincipalId'
- Removed the pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' from the request property '/tenantId'
- The 'copySettings/items/zoneId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/zoneId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'copySettings/items/zoneId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/zoneId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'copySettings/items/zoneId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/zoneId'
- The 'copySettings/items/zoneId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/zoneId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'clusterId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'clusterId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'clusterId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'clusterId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'clusterId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'clusterId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'customZoneMapping/additionalProperties/' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'customZoneMapping/additionalProperties/' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'customZoneMapping/additionalProperties/' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'customZoneMapping/additionalProperties/' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'customZoneMapping/additionalProperties/' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/items/cloudProviderConfig/aws/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/items/cloudProviderConfig/azure/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '/items/cloudProviderConfig/gcp/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'cloudProviderConfig/aws/roleId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'cloudProviderConfig/azure/roleId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp/roleId'
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/aws/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/azure/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/aws/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/azure/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'cloudProviderConfig/aws/roleId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'cloudProviderConfig/azure/roleId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp/roleId'
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/aws/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/azure/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp/roleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #6: CPS Backup Compliance Policy Event Types]/' response property
- Added 'QUERY_SPILL_TO_DISK_DURING_SORT' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_DATA_PROTECTION_APPROVED_FOR_DISABLEMENT' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #6: CPS Backup Compliance Policy Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new optional request property 'targetProjectId'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureDirectoryId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureSubscriptionId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureDirectoryId' request property's minLength was decreased from '32' to '0'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureSubscriptionId' request property's minLength was decreased from '32' to '0'
- Removed the pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' from the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureDirectoryId'
- Removed the pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' from the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureSubscriptionId'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureDirectoryId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureSubscriptionId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureDirectoryId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureSubscriptionId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureDirectoryId' request property's minLength was decreased from '32' to '0'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureSubscriptionId' request property's minLength was decreased from '32' to '0'
- Removed the pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' from the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureDirectoryId'
- Removed the pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' from the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureSubscriptionId'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureDirectoryId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: AZURE]/azureSubscriptionId' response's property pattern '^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$' was removed
- The 'groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'iamRoleId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'iamRoleId'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'iamRoleId'
- The 'results/items/secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'results/items/_id' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property '_id'
- The '_id' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The '_id' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- Endpoint deprecated
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'orgMembershipStatus'
- The 'results/items/cidrBlock' response's property pattern was changed from '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))((%2[fF]|\/)[0-9]{1,3})+$' to '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|(:{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[:]{0,2}))((%2[fF]|/)[0-9]{1,3})+$'
- The 'results/items/ipAddress' response's property pattern was changed from '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))$' to '^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)(\.(?!$)|$)){4}|([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}$'
- The 'results/items/lastUsedAddress' response's property pattern '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))$' was removed
- The 'results/items/cidrBlock' response's property pattern was changed from '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))((%2[fF]|\/)[0-9]{1,3})+$' to '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|(:{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[:]{0,2}))((%2[fF]|/)[0-9]{1,3})+$'
- The 'results/items/ipAddress' response's property pattern was changed from '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))$' to '^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)(\.(?!$)|$)){4}|([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}$'
- The 'results/items/lastUsedAddress' response's property pattern '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))$' was removed
- The 'cidrBlock' response's property pattern was changed from '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))((%2[fF]|\/)[0-9]{1,3})+$' to '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|(:{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[:]{0,2}))((%2[fF]|/)[0-9]{1,3})+$'
- The 'ipAddress' response's property pattern was changed from '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))$' to '^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)(\.(?!$)|$)){4}|([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}$'
- The 'lastUsedAddress' response's property pattern '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))$' was removed
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'clusters/items/'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'organizations/items/'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'projects/items/'
- Added the new 'ATLAS_NDS_AWS_CMK_PRIVATE_NETWORKING, ATLAS_NDS_AZURE_CMK_PRIVATE_NETWORKING' enum values to the 'results/items/lineItems/items/sku' response property
- Added the new 'ATLAS_NDS_AWS_CMK_PRIVATE_NETWORKING, ATLAS_NDS_AZURE_CMK_PRIVATE_NETWORKING' enum values to the 'lineItems/items/sku' response property
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'filters/clusterIds/items/'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the request property 'filters/groupIds/items/'
- The 'results/items/groupId' response's property pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' was added
- The 'results/items/secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secrets/items/secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'secret' response's property pattern '^mdb_sa_sk_[0-9a-zA-Z_-]{40}$' was removed
- The 'maxServiceAccountSecretValidityInHours' request property's max was set to '8760.00'
- The 'maxServiceAccountSecretValidityInHours' request property's min was set to '8.00'
POST /api/atlas/v2/users
- The 'teamIds/items/' request property's minLength was decreased from '24' to '0'
09 December 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2/clusters
- The 'results/items/clusters/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Cluster Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: ReplicaSet Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Cluster Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: ReplicaSet Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: Cluster Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: ReplicaSet Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: Cluster Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: ReplicaSet Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'targetClusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
DELETE /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/backup/restoreJobs/{restoreJobId}
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/backup/tenant/snapshots/{snapshotId}
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/performanceAdvisor/suggestedIndexes
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/delivery/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'delivery/targetClusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/delivery/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'delivery/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/scopes/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'scopes/items/name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'scopes/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'scopes/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'scopes/items/name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'scopes/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'instanceName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/instanceName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'instanceName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'instanceName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'instanceName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/privateEndpoint/serverless/instance/{instanceName}/endpoint
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/privateEndpoint/serverless/instance/{instanceName}/endpoint
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'targetClusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/serverless/{clusterName}/backup/restoreJobs/{restoreJobId}
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/serverlessInstanceName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'serverlessInstanceName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'results/items/lineItems/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
- The 'lineItems/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$' to '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$'
05 December 2024 Release
- Added 'subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName'
- Added 'subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName'
- Added 'subschema #15: Data Protection Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #15: Data Protection Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #15: Data Protection Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #15: Data Protection Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'subschema #3: Data Protection Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize' to the response
- Added the optional property 'providerSettings/oneOf[subschema #4: Cloud Service Provider Settings for a Cluster]/effectiveInstanceSizeName' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/effectiveInstanceSize' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/stateReason' to the response
- Added the optional property 'stateReason' to the response
- Added the optional property 'stateReason' to the response
- Added the optional property 'numPartitions' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'numPartitions'
- Added the optional property '/items/numPartitions' to the response
- Added the optional property 'numPartitions' to the response
- Added the optional property 'numPartitions' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'numPartitions'
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/performanceAdvisor/suggestedIndexes
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional properties 'customOpensslCipherConfigTls12, tlsCipherConfigMode' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'customOpensslCipherConfigTls12, tlsCipherConfigMode' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'customOpensslCipherConfigTls12, tlsCipherConfigMode'
- Added the optional properties '/items/latestDefinition/numPartitions, /items/statusDetail/items/mainIndex/definition/numPartitions, /items/statusDetail/items/stagedIndex/definition/numPartitions' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'latestDefinition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/mainIndex/definition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/stagedIndex/definition/numPartitions' to the response
- Added the optional properties '/items/latestDefinition/numPartitions, /items/statusDetail/items/mainIndex/definition/numPartitions, /items/statusDetail/items/stagedIndex/definition/numPartitions' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'latestDefinition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/mainIndex/definition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/stagedIndex/definition/numPartitions' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'latestDefinition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/mainIndex/definition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/stagedIndex/definition/numPartitions' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'definition/oneOf[subschema #1: Text Search Index Definition]/numPartitions, definition/oneOf[subschema #2: Vector Search Index Definition]/numPartitions'
- Added the optional properties 'latestDefinition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/mainIndex/definition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/stagedIndex/definition/numPartitions' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'latestDefinition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/mainIndex/definition/numPartitions, statusDetail/items/stagedIndex/definition/numPartitions' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'definition/oneOf[subschema #1: Text Search Index Definition]/numPartitions, definition/oneOf[subschema #2: Vector Search Index Definition]/numPartitions'
- Added 'subschema #34: Access Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_CONNECTION_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_FIELD_NAMES_AND_TYPES' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Cluster Connection Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_SSH_SESSION_ENDED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_ATTEMPT, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_GRANTED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REFRESHED, SSH_KEY_NDS_HOST_ACCESS_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SERVERLESS_UPGRADE_STARTED, SSL_CERTIFICATE_ISSUED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/deskLocation, results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/employeeIdentifier, results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/deskLocation, results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/employeeIdentifier' to the response
- Added 'subschema #34: Access Event Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_CONNECTION_SAMPLE_COLLECTION_FIELD_NAMES_AND_TYPES' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Cluster Connection Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'SERVERLESS_UPGRADE_STARTED, SSL_CERTIFICATE_ISSUED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the optional properties '/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/deskLocation, /oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/employeeIdentifier, /oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/deskLocation, /oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/employeeIdentifier' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'protectedHours, timeZoneId' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'protectedHours'
- Added 'Https' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/connections/items/' response property
- Removed 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys from the 'results/items/connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the 'results/items/connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the 'results/items/connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Https' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' request property
- Removed 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys from the 'connections/items/' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the 'connections/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Https' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Removed 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys from the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'Https' enum value to the request property 'connections/items/type'
- Added the optional property 'cidrBlock' to the response
- Added 'Https' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Removed 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys from the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Https' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Removed 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys from the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Https' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/' response property
- Removed 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys from the 'results/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Https' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Removed 'WebAPI' mapping keys from the request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Https' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Removed 'WebAPI' mapping keys from the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'Https' enum value to the request property '/type'
- Added the new 'Https' enum value to the request property 'type'
- Added 'Https' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Removed 'WebAPI' mapping keys from the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Https' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Removed 'WebAPI' mapping keys from the request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Https' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Removed 'WebAPI' mapping keys from the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'Https' enum value to the request property '/type'
- Added the new 'Https' enum value to the request property 'type'
- Endpoint added
- Added 'Https' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Removed 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys from the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsHttpsConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' from the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/orgs
- Added the optional property 'results/items/skipDefaultAlertsSettings' to the response
POST /api/atlas/v2/orgs
- Added the optional properties 'organization/skipDefaultAlertsSettings, skipDefaultAlertsSettings' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'skipDefaultAlertsSettings'
- Added the optional property 'skipDefaultAlertsSettings' to the response
- Added the optional property 'skipDefaultAlertsSettings' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'skipDefaultAlertsSettings'
- Added the new 'ATLAS_NDS_BACKFILL_SUPPORT' enum value to the 'results/items/lineItems/items/sku' response property
- Added the new 'ATLAS_NDS_BACKFILL_SUPPORT' enum value to the 'lineItems/items/sku' response property
- The response property 'usernames' became required
03 December 2024 Release
- Added the new 'BYPASS_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_MS' enum value to the '/items/actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'BYPASS_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_MS' enum value to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'BYPASS_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_MS' enum value to the request property 'actions/items/action'
- Added the new 'BYPASS_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_MS' enum value to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'BYPASS_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_MS' enum value to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'BYPASS_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_MS' enum value to the request property 'actions/items/action'
- The request optional property 'clusterType' became not read-only
- The request optional property 'name' became not read-only
- The request optional property 'versionReleaseSystem' became not read-only
- Added the new 'CONTINUOUS' enum value to the request property 'versionReleaseSystem'
- Added the new 'GEOSHARDED, SHARDED' enum values to the request property 'clusterType'
- Added the new optional request properties 'acceptDataRisksAndForceReplicaSetReconfig, backupEnabled, biConnector, configServerManagementMode, diskWarmingMode, encryptionAtRestProvider, globalClusterSelfManagedSharding, labels, mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant, mongoDBMajorVersion, paused, pitEnabled, redactClientLogData, replicaSetScalingStrategy, replicationSpecs, rootCertType'
22 November 2024 Release
- Added the new 'ORG_MONGODB_VERSION_EOL_EXTENSION_ACCEPTED, ORG_MONGODB_VERSION_EOL_EXTENSION_CANCELLED, ORG_MONGODB_VERSION_EOL_EXTENSION_PENDING' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Org Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'ORG_MONGODB_VERSION_EOL_EXTENSION_ACCEPTED, ORG_MONGODB_VERSION_EOL_EXTENSION_CANCELLED, ORG_MONGODB_VERSION_EOL_EXTENSION_PENDING' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Org Events]/eventTypeName' response property
13 November 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The 'withDefaultAlertsSettings' response's property default value 'true' was added
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The 'withDefaultAlertsSettings' request property default value 'true' was added
- The 'withDefaultAlertsSettings' response's property default value 'true' was added
- The 'withDefaultAlertsSettings' response's property default value 'true' was added
- The 'withDefaultAlertsSettings' response's property default value 'true' was added
- The 'withDefaultAlertsSettings' response's property default value 'true' was added
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: Replica Set Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Replica Set Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: Stream Processor Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: App Services Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: Cluster Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'US1_FED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/notifications/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Datadog Notification]/datadogRegion' response property
- Added 'FLEX' discriminator mapping keys to the 'providerSettings' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/ClusterFlexProviderSettings' to the 'providerSettings' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'FLEX' discriminator mapping keys to the 'providerSettings' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/ClusterFlexProviderSettings' to the 'providerSettings' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/clusterName, results/items/parts/items/completedTime, results/items/parts/items/fcv, results/items/parts/items/machineId, results/items/parts/items/replicaState' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'clusterName, parts/items/completedTime, parts/items/fcv, parts/items/machineId, parts/items/replicaState' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'clusterName, parts/items/completedTime, parts/items/fcv, parts/items/machineId, parts/items/replicaState' to the response
- Added the new 'CHECK_METADATA_CONSISTENCY, ENABLE_SHARDING' enum values to the '/items/actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'CHECK_METADATA_CONSISTENCY, ENABLE_SHARDING' enum values to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'CHECK_METADATA_CONSISTENCY, ENABLE_SHARDING' enum values to the request property 'actions/items/action'
- Added the new 'CHECK_METADATA_CONSISTENCY, ENABLE_SHARDING' enum values to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'CHECK_METADATA_CONSISTENCY, ENABLE_SHARDING' enum values to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'CHECK_METADATA_CONSISTENCY, ENABLE_SHARDING' enum values to the request property 'actions/items/action'
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_OS_FIXED, CLUSTER_OS_UNFIXED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #33: Version Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'FLEX_UPGRADE_STARTED, RELOAD_SSL_ON_PROCESSES_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_OS_FIXED, CLUSTER_OS_UNFIXED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #33: Version Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'FLEX_UPGRADE_STARTED, RELOAD_SSL_ON_PROCESSES_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the 'results/items/connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'results/items/connections/items/type' response property
- Added 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the 'connections/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'connections/items/type' response property
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the request property 'connections/items/type'
- Added 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'connections/items/type' response property
- Added 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'connections/items/type' response property
- Added 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'results/items/type' response property
- Added 'WebAPI' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'WebAPI' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the '/type' response property
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'type' response property
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the request property '/type'
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the request property 'type'
- Added 'WebAPI' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the '/type' response property
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'type' response property
- Added 'WebAPI' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'WebAPI' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the '/type' response property
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'type' response property
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the request property '/type'
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the request property 'type'
- Added 'WebAPI' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/StreamsWebAPIConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'WebAPI' enum value to the 'connections/items/type' response property
- The 'withDefaultAlertsSettings' response's property default value 'true' was added
- The 'withDefaultAlertsSettings' response's property default value 'true' was added
07 November 2024 Release
- Added the optional property 'genAIFeaturesEnabled' to the response
- Added the optional property 'genAIFeaturesEnabled' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'genAIFeaturesEnabled'
29 October 2024 Release
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'maxServiceAccountSecretValidityInHours' to the response
- Added the optional property 'maxServiceAccountSecretValidityInHours' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'maxServiceAccountSecretValidityInHours'
25 October 2024 Release
- Added the new 'INDEPENDENT_SHARD_SCALING_CLUSTER_MIGRATED, INDEPENDENT_SHARD_SCALING_CLUSTER_ROLLED_BACK' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'INDEPENDENT_SHARD_SCALING_CLUSTER_MIGRATED, INDEPENDENT_SHARD_SCALING_CLUSTER_ROLLED_BACK' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'eastus, eastus2, westeurope, westus' enum values to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/region/'
- Added the new 'eastus, eastus2, westeurope, westus' enum values to the request property 'region/'
24 October 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/clusters
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/eventTypes
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/connectedOrgConfigs/{orgId}/roleMappings
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: FTS Index Audit Types]/'
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: FTS Index Audit Types]/'
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #3: FTS Index Audit Types]/' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket' to '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucketResponse' for 'results/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' to '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucketResponse' for 'results/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucketResponse, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucketResponse' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' from the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode, results/items/_id' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Mapped value for key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket' to '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucketRequest' from the request discriminator
- Mapped value for key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' to '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucketRequest' from the request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucketRequest, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucketRequest' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Mapped value for key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket' to '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucketResponse' from the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Mapped value for key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' to '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucketResponse' from the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucketResponse, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucketResponse' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- The response properties '_id, badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Mapped value for key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket' to '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucketResponse' from the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Mapped value for key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' to '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucketResponse' from the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucketResponse, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucketResponse' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- The response properties '_id, badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'awsIamRoles/items/providerName' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'azureServicePrincipals/items/providerName' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'GCP' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessGCPServiceAccountRequest' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'GCP' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'providerName' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the request property '/providerName'
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the request property 'providerName'
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added the new enum values 'AZURE, GCP' to the 'path' request parameter 'cloudProvider'
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'GCP' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'providerName' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'GCP' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Added 'GCP' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'providerName' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the request property 'providerName'
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Endpoint deprecated
- The request optional property 'mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant' became not read-only
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The request optional property 'mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant' became not read-only
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Endpoint deprecated
- The request optional property 'mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant' became not read-only
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Removed the optional property 'results/items/deliveryUrl' from the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Removed the optional property 'deliveryUrl' from the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- For the 'path' request parameter 'exportId', the maxLength was set to '24'
- Added the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{24})$' to the 'path' request parameter 'exportId'
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Removed the optional property 'deliveryUrl' from the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
DELETE /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/backup/restoreJobs/{restoreJobId}
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/backup/tenant/snapshots/{snapshotId}
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'dls:gcp, gcs' discriminator mapping keys to the '/items/storage/stores/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSGCPStore, #/components/schemas/DataLakeGoogleCloudStorageStore' to the '/items/storage/stores/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'dls:gcp, gcs' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSGCPStore, #/components/schemas/DataLakeGoogleCloudStorageStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'dls:gcp, gcs' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSGCPStore, #/components/schemas/DataLakeGoogleCloudStorageStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'dls:gcp, gcs' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSGCPStore, #/components/schemas/DataLakeGoogleCloudStorageStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'dls:gcp, gcs' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSGCPStore, #/components/schemas/DataLakeGoogleCloudStorageStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'dls:gcp, gcs' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSGCPStore, #/components/schemas/DataLakeGoogleCloudStorageStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
DELETE /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/encryptionAtRest/{cloudProvider}/privateEndpoints/{endpointId}
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/encryptionAtRest/{cloudProvider}/privateEndpoints/{endpointId}
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/' response property
- Added the new 'FEATURE_FLAG_MAINTENANCE, INDEPENDENT_SHARD_AUTO_SCALING_AVAILABLE, KMIP_KEY_ROTATION_SCHEDULED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #11: FTS Index Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added 'OPCOUNTER_TTL_DELETED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/' response property
- Added the new 'FEATURE_FLAG_MAINTENANCE, INDEPENDENT_SHARD_AUTO_SCALING_AVAILABLE, KMIP_KEY_ROTATION_SCHEDULED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEXES_SYNONYM_MAPPING_INVALID' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #11: FTS Index Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/privateEndpoint/serverless/instance/{instanceName}/endpoint
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/privateEndpoint/serverless/instance/{instanceName}/endpoint
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/azureConnectionName, results/items/azureLinkId, results/items/customerEndpointIPAddress, results/items/errorMessage, results/items/status' to the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/azureConnectionName, results/items/azureLinkId, results/items/customerEndpointIPAddress, results/items/errorMessage, results/items/status' to the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- Added the new optional request properties 'azureConnectionName, azureLinkId, customerEndpointIPAddress, errorMessage, status'
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added the optional properties 'azureConnectionName, azureLinkId, customerEndpointIPAddress, errorMessage, status' to the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/processes/{processId}/databases/{databaseName}/measurements
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/serverless/{clusterName}/backup/restoreJobs/{restoreJobId}
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
GET /api/atlas/v2/orgs
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
POST /api/atlas/v2/orgs
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added the optional property '/items/resourceName' to the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added the optional property 'securityContact' to the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- Added the non-success response with the status '400'
- Added the optional property 'securityContact' to the response
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- Added the new optional request property 'securityContact'
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
POST /api/atlas/v2/users
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was removed from the API
- The response properties 'badRequestDetail/fields/items/description, badRequestDetail/fields/items/field, error, errorCode' became required
15 October 2024 Release
- Added the optional properties 'providerSettings/oneOf[subschema #4: Cloud Service Provider Settings for a Cluster]/autoScaling/compute/maxInstanceSize, providerSettings/oneOf[subschema #4: Cloud Service Provider Settings for a Cluster]/autoScaling/compute/minInstanceSize' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'providerSettings/oneOf[subschema #4: Cloud Service Provider Settings for a Cluster]/autoScaling/compute/maxInstanceSize, providerSettings/oneOf[subschema #4: Cloud Service Provider Settings for a Cluster]/autoScaling/compute/minInstanceSize'
03 October 2024 Release
- Added 'subschema #6: Log Ingestion Matcher Fields' to the '/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName'
- Removed the enum values '<, >' of the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Removed the enum values '<, >' of the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Removed the enum values '<, >' of the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName'
- Removed the enum values '<, >' of the request property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Removed the enum values '<, >' of the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Removed the enum values '<, >' of the request property '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator'
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Stream Processor Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Host Alert Configuration]/eventTypeName' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Removed the '<, >' enum values from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold/operator' response property
- Added the optional property 'results/items/redactClientLogData' to the response
- Added the optional property 'redactClientLogData' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'redactClientLogData'
- The 'diskGBEnabled' request property default value 'false' was added
- The 'enabled' request property default value 'false' was added
- The 'scaleDownEnabled' request property default value 'false' was added
- The 'diskGBEnabled' response's property default value 'false' was added
- The 'enabled' response's property default value 'false' was added
- The 'scaleDownEnabled' response's property default value 'false' was added
- Added the optional property 'redactClientLogData' to the response
- Added the optional property 'redactClientLogData' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'redactClientLogData'
- The 'changeStreamOptionsPreAndPostImagesExpireAfterSeconds' response's property default value '-1.00' was added
- The 'changeStreamOptionsPreAndPostImagesExpireAfterSeconds' request property default value '-1.00' was added
- The 'changeStreamOptionsPreAndPostImagesExpireAfterSeconds' response's property default value '-1.00' was added
- Added the new 'OUT_TO_AZURE, OUT_TO_GCS' enum values to the '/items/actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'OUT_TO_AZURE, OUT_TO_GCS' enum values to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'OUT_TO_AZURE, OUT_TO_GCS' enum values to the request property 'actions/items/action'
- Added the new 'OUT_TO_AZURE, OUT_TO_GCS' enum values to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'OUT_TO_AZURE, OUT_TO_GCS' enum values to the 'actions/items/action' response property
- Added the new 'OUT_TO_AZURE, OUT_TO_GCS' enum values to the request property 'actions/items/action'
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationGCPRegion' to the '/items/dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the '/items/dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added the optional property '/items/cloudProviderConfig/gcp' to the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationGCPRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationGCPRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider'
- Added the optional property 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp'
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationGCPRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added the optional property 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp' to the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationGCPRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationGCPRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider'
- Added the optional property 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'cloudProviderConfig/gcp'
- Added the optional property 'results/items/description' to the response
- Added the optional property 'description' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'description'
- Added the optional property 'description' to the response
- Added the optional property 'description' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'description'
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_FCV_EXPIRATION_DATE_UPDATED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #33: Version Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_INSTANCE_DISABLED, CLUSTER_INSTANCE_ENABLED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_RESUME_REPLICATION, HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_FCV_EXPIRATION_DATE_UPDATED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #33: Version Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_INSTANCE_DISABLED, CLUSTER_INSTANCE_ENABLED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'HOST_MONGOT_RESUME_REPLICATION, HOST_MONGOT_STOP_REPLICATION' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #12: Host Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'atlas.project.deployment.salesSoldM0s' discriminator mapping keys to the '/items/' response property
- Added the new enum value 'atlas.project.deployment.salesSoldM0s' to the 'path' request parameter 'limitName'
- Added 'atlas.project.deployment.salesSoldM0s' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added the new enum value 'atlas.project.deployment.salesSoldM0s' to the 'path' request parameter 'limitName'
- Added 'atlas.project.deployment.salesSoldM0s' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Added 'atlas.project.deployment.salesSoldM0s' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added the new enum value 'atlas.project.deployment.salesSoldM0s' to the 'path' request parameter 'limitName'
- The 'hostnameSchemaType' request property default value 'PUBLIC' was removed
- The 'hostnameSchemaType' request property default value 'PUBLIC' was removed
- Removed the success response with the status '204'
- Added the success response with the status '202'
- Added the optional property 'results/items/connections/items/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'connections/items/networking/access/connectionId'
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the optional property '/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/networking/access/connectionId'
- Added the optional property '/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the optional property '/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/networking/access/connectionId'
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/networking/access/connectionId' to the response
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'pretty'
01 October 2024 Release
- Added the optional property 'defaultMaxTimeMS' to the response
- Added the optional property 'defaultMaxTimeMS' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'defaultMaxTimeMS'
30 September 2024 Release
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/configServerManagementMode, results/items/configServerType' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'configServerManagementMode, configServerType' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'configServerManagementMode'
- Added the optional properties 'configServerManagementMode, configServerType' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'configServerManagementMode'
- Added the optional properties 'configServerManagementMode, configServerType' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'configServerManagementMode, configServerType' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'configServerManagementMode'
24 September 2024 Release
- Added '#/components/schemas/ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' to the 'results/items/dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' to the 'region' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
23 September 2024 Release
- Added the new 'QUEUED_ADMIN_ACTION_CANCELLED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'QUEUED_ADMIN_ACTION_CANCELLED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
20 September 2024 Release
- Api tag 'Resource Policies' added
- Api tag 'Resource Policies' added
- Api tag 'Resource Policies' added
- Api tag 'Resource Policies' added
- Api tag 'Resource Policies' added
- Api tag 'Resource Policies' added
- Api tag 'Resource Policies' added
19 September 2024 Release
- The request optional property 'destinationOrgId' became not read-only
- The request optional property 'destinationOrgPrivateApiKey' became not read-only
- The request optional property 'destinationOrgPublicApiKey' became not read-only
16 September 2024 Release
- Added the new 'PRIVATE_LINK' enum value to the request property 'connections/items/networking/access/type'
- Added the new 'PRIVATE_LINK' enum value to the request property '/networking/access/type'
- Added the new 'PRIVATE_LINK' enum value to the request property '/networking/access/type'
12 September 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/clusters
- The 'results/items/clusters/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/eventTypes
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/connectedOrgConfigs/{orgId}/roleMappings
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Cluster Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: ReplicaSet Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Cluster Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: ReplicaSet Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: Cluster Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: ReplicaSet Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The '/oneOf[subschema #2: Cluster Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #3: Host Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The '/oneOf[subschema #5: ReplicaSet Alerts]/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Mapped value for key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole' to '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRoleRequest' from the request discriminator
- Mapped value for key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' to '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipalRequest' from the request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRoleRequest, #/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipalRequest' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Mapped value for key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole' to '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRoleRequestUpdate' from the request discriminator
- Mapped value for key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' to '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipalRequestUpdate' from the request discriminator
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'results/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, results/items/mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, mongoDBEmployeeAccessGrant' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, results/items/components/items/privateDownloadDeliveryUrls, results/items/privateDownloadDeliveryUrls' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'targetClusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, components/items/privateDownloadDeliveryUrls, privateDownloadDeliveryUrls' to the response
DELETE /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/backup/restoreJobs/{restoreJobId}
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, components/items/privateDownloadDeliveryUrls, privateDownloadDeliveryUrls' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/backup/tenant/snapshots/{snapshotId}
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/delivery/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'delivery/targetClusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/delivery/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'delivery/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'results/items/scopes/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'scopes/items/name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'scopes/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'scopes/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'scopes/items/name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'scopes/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
DELETE /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/encryptionAtRest/{cloudProvider}/privateEndpoints/{endpointId}
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/encryptionAtRest/{cloudProvider}/privateEndpoints/{endpointId}
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/privateEndpoint/serverless/instance/{instanceName}/endpoint
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/privateEndpoint/serverless/instance/{instanceName}/endpoint
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'instanceName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/processes/{processId}/databases/{databaseName}/measurements
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'results/items/name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property 'targetClusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/serverless/{clusterName}/backup/restoreJobs/{restoreJobId}
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'targetClusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'results/items/serverlessInstanceName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'serverlessInstanceName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'clusterName' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'name' from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- The 'name' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, results/items/sampleConnections' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, sampleConnections' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'sampleConnections'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, sampleConnections' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'badRequestDetail, sampleConnections' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/orgs
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
POST /api/atlas/v2/orgs
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasResourcePolicyAuditForOrg' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasResourcePolicyAuditForOrg' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'results/items/lineItems/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- The 'lineItems/items/clusterName' response's property pattern was changed from '^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*$' to '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)?[a-zA-Z0-9]+$'
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
POST /api/atlas/v2/users
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
- Added the optional property 'badRequestDetail' to the response
03 September 2024 Release
- Added the optional property 'changeStreamOptionsPreAndPostImagesExpireAfterSeconds' to the response
- Added the optional property 'changeStreamOptionsPreAndPostImagesExpireAfterSeconds' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'changeStreamOptionsPreAndPostImagesExpireAfterSeconds'
30 August 2024 Release
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/featureCompatibilityVersion, results/items/featureCompatibilityVersionExpirationDate' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'featureCompatibilityVersion, featureCompatibilityVersionExpirationDate' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'featureCompatibilityVersion, featureCompatibilityVersionExpirationDate' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'featureCompatibilityVersion, featureCompatibilityVersionExpirationDate' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'featureCompatibilityVersion, featureCompatibilityVersionExpirationDate' to the response
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_BINARY_VERSION_DOWNGRADED, CLUSTER_BINARY_VERSION_UPGRADED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #33: Version Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_BINARY_VERSION_DOWNGRADED, CLUSTER_BINARY_VERSION_UPGRADED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #33: Version Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the optional property 'options' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/options' to the response
29 August 2024 Release
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
28 August 2024 Release
- Endpoint added
26 August 2024 Release
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the 'results/items/dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/region/'
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
24 August 2024 Release
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the 'results/items/dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/region/'
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Added the new 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MONTREAL_CAN, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
22 August 2024 Release
- Added 'OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS, OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added 'OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED, OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added 'OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS, OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added 'OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS, OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added 'OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED, OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added 'OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS, OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added 'OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS, OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added 'OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED, OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added 'OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED, OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added 'OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED, OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added 'OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED, OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #4: Host Metric Alerts]/' response property
- Added 'OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS, OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #9: Host Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added the optional property 'azureServicePrincipals' to the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole, #/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' from the request body 'oneOf' list
- Removed '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole, #/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole, #/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole, #/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' from the request body 'oneOf' list
- Removed '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole, #/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' from the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS'
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskIOPS, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskIOPS'
- Added 'GCP' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/dataProcessRegion' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'results/items/dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added 'GCP' discriminator mapping keys to the 'dataProcessRegion' request property
- Added 'GCP' discriminator mapping keys to the 'dataProcessRegion' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added 'GCP' discriminator mapping keys to the 'dataProcessRegion' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added 'GCP' discriminator mapping keys to the 'dataProcessRegion' request property
- Added 'GCP' discriminator mapping keys to the 'dataProcessRegion' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider'
- Added 'OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED, OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/SearchDeploymentAuditView' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #24: Search Deployment Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_IMPORT_COMPLETED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/SearchDeploymentAuditView' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'OPERATIONS_QUERIES_KILLED, OPERATION_THROTTLING_REJECTED_OPERATIONS' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #13: Host Metric Events]/' response property
- Added 'subschema #24: Search Deployment Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_IMPORT_COMPLETED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #14: NDS Audits]/eventTypeName' response property
- Endpoint added
20 August 2024 Release
- Added the optional property 'results/items/replicaSetScalingStrategy' to the response
- Added the optional property 'replicaSetScalingStrategy' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'replicaSetScalingStrategy'
- Added the optional property 'replicaSetScalingStrategy' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'replicaSetScalingStrategy'
- Added the optional property 'replicaSetScalingStrategy' to the response
- Added the optional property 'replicaSetScalingStrategy' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'replicaSetScalingStrategy'
08 August 2024 Release
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805' for 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805' for 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'GCP' changed from '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805' for 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'TENANT' changed from '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' for 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec20240805' to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec' from the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' from the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/zoneId' to the response
- Removed the optional properties 'results/items/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/numShards' from the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' request property 'oneOf' list
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'GCP' changed from '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'TENANT' changed from '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'GCP' changed from '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'TENANT' changed from '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/zoneId' to the response
- Removed the optional properties 'diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/numShards' from the response
- Removed the request properties 'diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/numShards'
- Added the new optional request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB'
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'GCP' changed from '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'TENANT' changed from '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/zoneId' to the response
- Removed the optional properties 'diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/numShards' from the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' request property 'oneOf' list
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'GCP' changed from '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'TENANT' changed from '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AWS' changed from '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'AZURE' changed from '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'GCP' changed from '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Mapped value for discriminator key 'TENANT' changed from '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' to '#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' for 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig20240805, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig20240805' to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/AzureHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/GCPHardwareSpec, #/components/schemas/TenantHardwareSpec' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig, #/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig' from the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/zoneId' to the response
- Removed the optional properties 'diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/numShards' from the response
- Removed the request properties 'diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/numShards'
- Added the new optional request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB'
- Removed the optional write-only property 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/replicationSpecId' from the response
- Added the required property 'copySettings/items/zoneId' to the response
- Removed the optional property 'copySettings/items/replicationSpecId' from the response
- Removed the optional write-only property 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/replicationSpecId' from the response
- Added the required property 'copySettings/items/zoneId' to the response
- Removed the optional property 'copySettings/items/replicationSpecId' from the response
- Removed the optional write-only property 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/replicationSpecId' from the response
- Added the required property 'copySettings/items/zoneId' to the response
- Removed the optional property 'copySettings/items/replicationSpecId' from the response
- Added the new required request property 'copySettings/items/zoneId'
- Removed the request properties 'copySettings/items/replicationSpecId, deleteCopiedBackups/items/replicationSpecId'
- Removed the optional properties 'defaultReadConcern, failIndexKeyTooLong' from the response
- Removed the optional properties 'defaultReadConcern, failIndexKeyTooLong' from the response
- Added the optional property 'options' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'options'
07 August 2024 Release
- Added the new 'OIDC, SAML' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: OIDC WORKFORCE]/protocol'
- Added the new 'OIDC, SAML' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: OIDC WORKLOAD]/protocol'
- Added the new 'OIDC, SAML' enum values to the request property 'protocol'
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added the new 'OIDC, SAML' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: SAML]/protocol'
- Added the new 'OIDC, SAML' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #2: OIDC WORKFORCE]/protocol'
- Added the new 'OIDC, SAML' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #3: OIDC WORKLOAD]/protocol'
- Added the new 'OIDC, SAML' enum values to the request property 'protocol'
- Added the success response with the status '204'
- The request optional property 'customShardKey' became read-only
- The request optional property 'isCustomShardKeyHashed' became write-only
- The request optional property 'isShardKeyUnique' became write-only
- The request optional property 'numInitialChunks' became write-only
- The request optional property 'presplitHashedZones' became write-only
- Added the new 'PENDING' enum value to the 'results/items/delivery/statusName' response property
- Added the new 'PENDING' enum value to the 'results/items/delivery/statusName' response property
- Added the new 'PENDING' enum value to the request property 'delivery/statusName'
- Added the new 'PENDING' enum value to the 'delivery/statusName' response property
- Added 'azure' discriminator mapping keys to the '/items/storage/stores/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeAzureBlobStore' to the '/items/storage/stores/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'azure' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeAzureBlobStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'azure' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeAzureBlobStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'azure' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeAzureBlobStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'azure' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' request property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeAzureBlobStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'azure' discriminator mapping keys to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DataLakeAzureBlobStore' to the 'storage/stores/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional property 'azureKeyVault/requirePrivateNetworking' to the response
- Added the optional property 'azureKeyVault/requirePrivateNetworking' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'azureKeyVault/requirePrivateNetworking'
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_FCV_DOWNGRADED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #32: Version Audit Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_FCV_DOWNGRADED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #32: Version Audit Types]/' response property
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the new 'SECURITY_CONTACT_MODIFIED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Org Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SECURITY_CONTACT_MODIFIED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Org Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'fromDate'
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'orderBy'
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'sortBy'
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'statusNames'
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'toDate'
24 July 2024 Release
- The response properties 'results/items/bucketName, results/items/cloudProvider, results/items/iamRoleId, results/items/roleId, results/items/serviceUrl, results/items/tenantId' became required
- The '/bucketName' request property's maxLength was set to '63'
- The '/bucketName' request property's maxLength was set to '63'
- The '/serviceUrl' request property's maxLength was set to '55'
- The 'bucketName' request property's maxLength was set to '63'
- The response properties '/bucketName, /cloudProvider, /iamRoleId, /roleId, /serviceUrl, /tenantId, bucketName, cloudProvider' became required
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'exportBucketId' from '^((?!xn--)(?!.*-s3alias)[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{1,61}[a-z0-9])$' to '^([a-f0-9]{24})$'
- Changed the pattern of the 'path' request parameter 'exportBucketId' from '^((?!xn--)(?!.*-s3alias)[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{1,61}[a-z0-9])$' to '^([a-f0-9]{24})$'
- The response properties '/bucketName, /cloudProvider, /iamRoleId, /roleId, /serviceUrl, /tenantId, bucketName, cloudProvider' became required
18 July 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2/eventTypes
- Added the optional properties 'links, results, totalCount' to the response
13 July 2024 Release
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the new 'ORG_NO_FINANCIAL_PROTECTION, ORG_UNDER_FINANCIAL_PROTECTION' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Org Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'ORG_NO_FINANCIAL_PROTECTION, ORG_UNDER_FINANCIAL_PROTECTION' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Org Events]/eventTypeName' response property
11 July 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2/eventTypes
- Endpoint added
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the enum value 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' of the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Group Event Types]/'
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the enum value 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' of the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Group Event Types]/'
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #5: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #5: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #5: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #5: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the 'MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum value from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #4: Group Event Types]/' response property
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value '7.0' was removed
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' request property default value '7.0' was removed
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value '7.0' was removed
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' request property default value '7.0' was removed
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value '7.0' was removed
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value '7.0' was removed
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' request property default value '7.0' was removed
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value '7.0' was removed
- Added the optional write-only property 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/zoneId' to the response
- Added the optional write-only property 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/zoneId' to the response
- Added the optional write-only property 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/zoneId' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'deleteCopiedBackups/items/zoneId'
- Added the new 'CONFIG_SHARD_REPLICA_SET' enum value to the 'results/items/parts/items/typeName' response property
- Added the new 'CONFIG_SHARD_REPLICA_SET' enum value to the 'parts/items/typeName' response property
- Added the new 'CONFIG_SHARD_REPLICA_SET' enum value to the 'parts/items/typeName' response property
- Added the new 'CONFIG_SHARD_REPLICA_SET' enum value to the request property 'parts/items/typeName'
- The '/items/inheritedRoles/items/role' response's property pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' was removed
- The '/items/roleName' response's property pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' was removed
- Removed the pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' from the request property 'inheritedRoles/items/role'
- Removed the pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' from the request property 'roleName'
- The 'inheritedRoles/items/role' response's property pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' was removed
- The 'roleName' response's property pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' was removed
- Removed the pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' from the 'path' request parameter 'roleName'
- Removed the pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' from the 'path' request parameter 'roleName'
- The 'inheritedRoles/items/role' response's property pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' was removed
- The 'roleName' response's property pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' was removed
- Removed the pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' from the 'path' request parameter 'roleName'
- Removed the pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' from the request property 'inheritedRoles/items/role'
- The 'inheritedRoles/items/role' response's property pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' was removed
- The 'roleName' response's property pattern '^\b(?!xgen-)([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\b(?<!\atlasAdmin|read|readWrite|dbAdmin|dbOwner|userAdmin|clusterAdmin|clusterManager|clusterMonitor|hostManager|backup|restore|readAnyDatabase|readWriteAnyDatabase|userAdminAnyDatabase|dbAdminAnyDatabase|root|__system)$' was removed
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationAzureRegion' to the '/items/dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/ApiAtlasDataLakeAzureRegionView' from the '/items/dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional property '/items/cloudProviderConfig/azure' to the response
- The request property 'cloudProviderConfig/aws' became optional
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationAzureRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationAzureRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/ApiAtlasDataLakeAzureRegionView' from the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'MONTREAL_CAN, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/region/'
- Added the optional property 'cloudProviderConfig/azure' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'cloudProviderConfig/azure'
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationAzureRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/ApiAtlasDataLakeAzureRegionView' from the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional property 'cloudProviderConfig/azure' to the response
- The request property 'cloudProviderConfig/aws' became optional
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationAzureRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/AtlasDataFederationAzureRegion' to the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed '#/components/schemas/ApiAtlasDataLakeAzureRegionView' from the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'MONTREAL_CAN, TOKYO_JPN' enum values to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/region/'
- Added the optional property 'cloudProviderConfig/azure' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'cloudProviderConfig/azure'
- Removed the 'M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_WITHIN_LIMIT, MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum values from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #12: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Removed the 'M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_WITHIN_LIMIT, MAX_M0_CLUSTERS_PER_GROUP_EXCEEDED' enum values from the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #12: Group Event Types]/' response property
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'viewLinkedInvoices'
- Removed the optional property 'results/items/groupId' from the response
- Added the new 'ATLAS_NDS_AZURE_SNAPSHOT_EXPORT_UPLOAD' enum value to the 'results/items/lineItems/items/sku' response property
- Removed the optional property 'results/items/groupId' from the response
- Added the new 'ATLAS_NDS_AZURE_SNAPSHOT_EXPORT_UPLOAD' enum value to the 'lineItems/items/sku' response property
- Removed the optional property 'groupId' from the response
06 July 2024 Release
- The endpoint scheme security 'Unauthenticated' was removed from the API
02 July 2024 Release
- Added the new 'ATLAS_NDS_AWS_COMPRESSED_OBJECT_STORAGE, ATLAS_NDS_AZURE_COMPRESSED_OBJECT_STORAGE, ATLAS_NDS_GCP_COMPRESSED_OBJECT_STORAGE' enum values to the 'results/items/lineItems/items/sku' response property
29 June 2024 Release
- Added the new 'ATLAS_AZURE_STREAM_PROCESSING_INSTANCE_SP10, ATLAS_AZURE_STREAM_PROCESSING_INSTANCE_SP50' enum values to the 'results/items/lineItems/items/sku' response property
- Added the new 'ATLAS_AZURE_STREAM_PROCESSING_INSTANCE_SP10, ATLAS_AZURE_STREAM_PROCESSING_INSTANCE_SP50' enum values to the 'lineItems/items/sku' response property
28 June 2024 Release
- Removed the optional properties 'results/items/lineItems, results/items/payments, results/items/refunds' from the response
27 June 2024 Release
- Added the new optional request property 'dropDestinationData'
- Added the new optional request property 'dropDestinationData'
26 June 2024 Release
- Endpoint reactivated
- Removed the optional properties 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB' from the response
- Endpoint reactivated
- Removed the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB' from the response
- Removed the request properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB'
- Endpoint reactivated
- Removed the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB' from the response
- Endpoint reactivated
- Removed the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB' from the response
- Removed the request properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB'
- Endpoint reactivated
- Added the optional properties 'defaultReadConcern, failIndexKeyTooLong' to the response
- Endpoint reactivated
- Added the optional properties 'defaultReadConcern, failIndexKeyTooLong' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'defaultReadConcern, failIndexKeyTooLong'
25 June 2024 Release
- Added 'subschema #11: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'subschema #11: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'subschema #11: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #14: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #14: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #14: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #14: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'subschema #11: NDS Auto Scaling Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole, #/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAWSIAMRole, #/components/schemas/CloudProviderAccessAzureServicePrincipal' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Endpoint deprecated
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB' to the response
- Endpoint deprecated
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB'
- Endpoint deprecated
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB' to the response
- Endpoint deprecated
- Added the optional properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #2: Azure Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/analyticsSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #3: GCP Regional Replication Specifications]/readOnlySpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/diskSizeGB, replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Tenant Regional Replication Specifications]/electableSpecs/oneOf[subschema #1: AWS Cluster Hardware Settings]/diskSizeGB'
- Added the optional property 'results/items/components/items/exportId' to the response
- Added the optional property 'components/items/exportId' to the response
- Added the optional property 'components/items/exportId' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/components/items/downloadUrl' to the response
- Added the optional property 'components/items/downloadUrl' to the response
- Added the optional property 'components/items/downloadUrl' to the response
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- Endpoint deprecated
- Removed the optional properties 'defaultReadConcern, failIndexKeyTooLong' from the response
- Endpoint deprecated
- Removed the optional properties 'defaultReadConcern, failIndexKeyTooLong' from the response
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- The 'analyzer' request property default value 'lucene.standard' was removed
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- The 'analyzer' request property default value 'lucene.standard' was removed
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- Added the new 'SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UI_IP_ACCESS_LIST_INHERITANCE_DISABLED, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UI_IP_ACCESS_LIST_INHERITANCE_ENABLED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: ServiceAccount Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UI_IP_ACCESS_LIST_INHERITANCE_DISABLED, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UI_IP_ACCESS_LIST_INHERITANCE_ENABLED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #5: ServiceAccount Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the optional property 'results/items/connections/items/networking' to the response
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/networking' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'connections/items/networking'
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/networking' to the response
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/networking' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/networking' to the response
- Added the optional property '/networking' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/networking'
- Added the optional property '/networking' to the response
- Added the optional property '/networking' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/networking'
- Added the new 'ORG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_MAX_SECRET_VALIDITY_EDITED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #8: Org Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UI_IP_ACCESS_LIST_INHERITANCE_DISABLED, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UI_IP_ACCESS_LIST_INHERITANCE_ENABLED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #5: ServiceAccount Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'ORG_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_MAX_SECRET_VALIDITY_EDITED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #8: Org Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UI_IP_ACCESS_LIST_INHERITANCE_DISABLED, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_UI_IP_ACCESS_LIST_INHERITANCE_ENABLED' enum values to the '/oneOf[subschema #5: ServiceAccount Events]/eventTypeName' response property
22 June 2024 Release
- Endpoint reactivated
- Endpoint reactivated
13 June 2024 Release
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
12 June 2024 Release
- Added the new 'EVERGREEN_PRIORITY_MODIFIED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Billing Events]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'EVERGREEN_PRIORITY_MODIFIED' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #6: Billing Events]/eventTypeName' response property
04 June 2024 Release
- Added '#/components/schemas/TextSearchIndexDefinition, #/components/schemas/VectorSearchIndexDefinition' to the 'definition' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '#/components/schemas/TextSearchIndexDefinition, #/components/schemas/VectorSearchIndexDefinition' to the 'definition' request property 'oneOf' list
31 May 2024 Release
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_READS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_INVALID]' discriminator mapping keys from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_READS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_INVALID]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_READS_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_INVALID]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_READS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_INVALID REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_READS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_INVALID]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_READS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_INVALID]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' request property
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_READS_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_INVALID]' discriminator mapping keys from the '/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added the new optional request properties 'acknowledgedUntil, acknowledgementComment, unacknowledgeAlert'
- Added '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_WRITES_FAILED REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_READS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Removed '[REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_INVALID REALM_SYNC_CLIENT_UPLOADS_FAILED]' discriminator mapping keys from the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #3: App Services Metric Alert Configuration]/metricThreshold' response property
- Added discriminator to 'results/items/' response property
- Added '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the optional property 'results/items/iamRoleId' from the response
- Added request discriminator
- Added '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the optional property 'iamRoleId' from the response
- Removed the request property 'iamRoleId'
- Added response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added '#/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAWSExportBucket, #/components/schemas/DiskBackupSnapshotAzureExportBucket' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the optional property 'iamRoleId' from the response
- Removed request discriminator
- Removed request discriminator
- Added the new optional request property 'iamAssumedRoleArn'
- Api operation id 'createAtlasSearchIndex' removed and replaced with 'createAtlasSearchIndexDeprecated'
- Endpoint deprecated
- Api operation id 'listAtlasSearchIndexes' removed and replaced with 'listAtlasSearchIndexesDeprecated'
- Endpoint deprecated
- Api operation id 'deleteAtlasSearchIndex' removed and replaced with 'deleteAtlasSearchIndexDeprecated'
- Endpoint deprecated
- Api operation id 'getAtlasSearchIndex' removed and replaced with 'getAtlasSearchIndexDeprecated'
- Endpoint deprecated
- Api operation id 'updateAtlasSearchIndex' removed and replaced with 'updateAtlasSearchIndexDeprecated'
- Endpoint deprecated
- Removed the success response with the status '200'
- Added the success response with the status '204'
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- Removed the success response with the status '200'
- Added the non-success response with the status '409'
- Added the success response with the status '201'
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'results/items/connections/items/proxyInfo' to the response
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/proxyInfo' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'connections/items/proxyInfo'
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/proxyInfo' to the response
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/proxyInfo' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/proxyInfo' to the response
- Added the optional property '/proxyInfo' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/proxyInfo'
- Added the optional property '/proxyInfo' to the response
- Added the optional property '/proxyInfo' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/proxyInfo'
- Endpoint added
22 May 2024 Release
- Added the required properties 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value' to the response
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- Added the required properties '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value' to the response
- Added the new required request properties '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value'
- Added the required properties '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value' to the response
- Added the required properties '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value' to the response
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- The request optional property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers' became not read-only
- Added the required properties '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value' to the response
- Added the new required request properties '/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, /oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value'
- Added the required properties 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #10: NDS X509 User Authentication Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #13: Serverless Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #4: Billing Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #6: Cps Backup Threshold Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value, results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/fieldName, results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/operator, results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Encryption Key Alert Configuration]/matchers/items/value' to the response
16 May 2024 Release
- Endpoint reactivated
- Endpoint reactivated
- Endpoint reactivated
- Endpoint reactivated
09 May 2024 Release
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/'
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/'
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[subschema #7: Any Other Alerts]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/'
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Alert Configurations]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #2: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Endpoint deprecated
- Endpoint deprecated
- The request optional property 'name' became not read-only
- Endpoint deprecated
- Endpoint deprecated
- Endpoint deprecated
- The 'chunkMigrationConcurrency' response's property default value '1.00' was removed
- The 'defaultWriteConcern' response's property default value '1' was removed
- The 'javascriptEnabled' response's property default value 'true' was removed
- The 'noTableScan' response's property default value 'false' was removed
- The 'queryStatsLogVerbosity' response's property default value '1.00' was removed
- The 'sampleSizeBIConnector' response's property default value '1000.00' was removed
- The 'transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds' response's property default value '60.00' was removed
- Removed the 'linearizable, majority, snapshot' enum values from the 'defaultReadConcern' response property
- Endpoint deprecated
- The 'chunkMigrationConcurrency' request property default value '1.00' was removed
- The 'defaultWriteConcern' request property default value '1' was removed
- The 'javascriptEnabled' request property default value 'true' was removed
- The 'noTableScan' request property default value 'false' was removed
- The 'queryStatsLogVerbosity' request property default value '1.00' was removed
- The 'sampleSizeBIConnector' request property default value '1000.00' was removed
- The 'transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds' request property default value '60.00' was removed
- The 'chunkMigrationConcurrency' response's property default value '1.00' was removed
- The 'defaultWriteConcern' response's property default value '1' was removed
- The 'javascriptEnabled' response's property default value 'true' was removed
- The 'noTableScan' response's property default value 'false' was removed
- The 'queryStatsLogVerbosity' response's property default value '1.00' was removed
- The 'sampleSizeBIConnector' response's property default value '1000.00' was removed
- The 'transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds' response's property default value '60.00' was removed
- Removed the 'linearizable, majority, snapshot' enum values from the 'defaultReadConcern' response property
- Removed the enum values 'linearizable, majority, snapshot' of the request property 'defaultReadConcern'
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #5: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_CONCURRENT_SNAPSHOT_FAILED_WILL_RETRY' enum value to the '/oneOf[subschema #1: Any Other Events]/eventTypeName/oneOf[subschema #5: Cps Backup Event Types]/' response property
04 May 2024 Release
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/payments/items/currency, results/items/payments/items/unitPrice' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/payments/items/currency, results/items/payments/items/unitPrice' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'payments/items/currency, payments/items/unitPrice' to the response
01 May 2024 Release
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'itemsPerPage'
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'pageNum'
- Added the optional properties 'links, results, totalCount' to the response
30 April 2024 Release
- Added the optional property 'results/items/globalClusterSelfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the optional property 'globalClusterSelfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'globalClusterSelfManagedSharding'
- Added the optional property 'globalClusterSelfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'globalClusterSelfManagedSharding'
- Added the optional property 'globalClusterSelfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the optional property 'globalClusterSelfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'globalClusterSelfManagedSharding'
25 April 2024 Release
- The request property 'identityProviderId' became optional
- Added the optional property 'results/items/notifications/items/integrationId' to the response
- Added the optional property '/notifications/items/integrationId' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/notifications/items/integrationId'
- Added the optional property '/notifications/items/integrationId' to the response
- Added the optional property '/notifications/items/integrationId' to the response
- Added the optional property '/notifications/items/integrationId' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/notifications/items/integrationId'
- Added the optional property 'results/items/notifications/items/integrationId' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/id' to the response
- Added the optional property 'id' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/id' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'id'
- Added the optional property 'results/items/id' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'id'
23 April 2024 Release
- Added 'Streams Matcher Fields' to the '/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertViewForNdsGroup' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Stream Processor Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamProcessorAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Streams Event Types, Stream Processor Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamsEventViewForNdsGroup, StreamProcessorEventViewForNdsGroup' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'StreamsEventViewForNdsGroup, StreamProcessorEventViewForNdsGroup' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Streams Event Types, Stream Processor Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' from the 'results/items/dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS' enum values from the 'results/items/dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Removed 'ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' from the 'dataProcessRegion/region' request property 'oneOf' list
- Removed 'ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' from the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS' enum values from the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Removed the enum values 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS' of the request property 'dataProcessRegion/region/'
- Removed 'ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' from the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS' enum values from the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Removed 'ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' from the 'region' request property 'oneOf' list
- Removed 'ApiStreamsAzureRegionView' from the 'dataProcessRegion/region' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed the 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS' enum values from the 'dataProcessRegion/region/' response property
- Removed the enum values 'DUBLIN_IRL, FRANKFURT_DEU, LONDON_GBR, MUMBAI_IND, OREGON_USA, SAOPAULO_BRA, SINGAPORE_SGP, SYDNEY_AUS' of the request property 'region/'
20 April 2024 Release
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'itemsPerPage'
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'pageNum'
19 April 2024 Release
- The request properties 'bucketName, iamRoleId, prefixPath' became required
18 April 2024 Release
- Added 'FederationOidcWorkloadIdentityProvider' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/authorizationType, results/items/idpType' to the response
- Removed the optional property 'results/items/audienceClaim' from the response
- Added 'FederationOidcWorkloadIdentityProviderUpdate' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'FederationOidcWorkloadIdentityProvider' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties '/authorizationType, /idpType, authorizationType, idpType' to the response
- Removed the optional properties '/audienceClaim, audienceClaim' from the response
- Removed the request properties '/audienceClaim, audienceClaim'
- Added the new optional request properties '/authorizationType, /idpType, authorizationType, idpType'
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added 'FederationOidcWorkloadIdentityProvider' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties '/authorizationType, /idpType, idpType' to the response
- Removed the optional property '/audienceClaim' from the response
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added 'FederationOidcWorkloadIdentityProviderUpdate' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added 'FederationOidcWorkloadIdentityProvider' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties '/authorizationType, /idpType, idpType' to the response
- Removed the optional property '/audienceClaim' from the response
- Removed the request property '/audienceClaim'
- Added the new optional request properties '/authorizationType, /idpType, idpType'
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Resource Event Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types' from the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional property 'selfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the optional property 'selfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the optional property 'selfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the optional property 'selfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added the optional property 'selfManagedSharding' to the response
- Added discriminator to 'results/items/dataProcessRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AZURE' enum value to the 'results/items/dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Removed the optional property 'results/items/dataProcessRegion/region' from the response
- Added discriminator to 'dataProcessRegion' request property
- Added discriminator to 'dataProcessRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AZURE' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added the new 'AZURE' enum value to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider'
- Removed the optional property 'dataProcessRegion/region' from the response
- Removed the request property 'dataProcessRegion/region'
- Added discriminator to 'dataProcessRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AZURE' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Removed the optional property 'dataProcessRegion/region' from the response
- Added discriminator to 'dataProcessRegion' request property
- Added discriminator to 'dataProcessRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AZURE' enum value to the 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider' response property
- Added the new 'AZURE' enum value to the request property 'dataProcessRegion/cloudProvider'
- Removed the optional property 'dataProcessRegion/region' from the response
- Api tag 'Legacy Backup' added
- Added the new 'CPS_COPY_SNAPSHOT_FAILED, CPS_COPY_SNAPSHOT_STARTED, CPS_COPY_SNAPSHOT_SUCCESSFUL' enum values to the 'results/items/eventTypeName/oneOf[#5]/' response property
- Added the new 'UPDATE_BUMPER_FILES' enum value to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_COPY_SNAPSHOT_FAILED, CPS_COPY_SNAPSHOT_STARTED, CPS_COPY_SNAPSHOT_SUCCESSFUL' enum values to the '/eventTypeName/oneOf[#5]/' response property
- Added the new 'UPDATE_BUMPER_FILES' enum value to the '/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'SP10' enum value to the 'results/items/streamConfig/tier' response property
- Added the new 'SP10' enum value to the 'streamConfig/tier' response property
- Added the new 'SP10' enum value to the request property 'streamConfig/tier'
- Added the new 'SP10' enum value to the 'streamConfig/tier' response property
- Added the new 'SP10' enum value to the 'streamConfig/tier' response property
- Added the new 'INVITED_TO_TEAM' enum value to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'INVITED_TO_TEAM' enum value to the '/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'ATLAS_AWS_STREAM_PROCESSING_INSTANCE_SP10, ATLAS_AWS_STREAM_PROCESSING_INSTANCE_SP50, ATLAS_AWS_STREAM_PROCESSING_VPC_PEERING' enum values to the 'results/items/lineItems/items/sku' response property
- Added the new 'ATLAS_AWS_STREAM_PROCESSING_INSTANCE_SP10, ATLAS_AWS_STREAM_PROCESSING_INSTANCE_SP50, ATLAS_AWS_STREAM_PROCESSING_VPC_PEERING' enum values to the 'results/items/lineItems/items/sku' response property
12 April 2024 Release
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/{clusterView}/collStats/namespaces
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
05 April 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The 'regionUsageRestrictions' response's property default value changed from 'NONE' to 'COMMERCIAL_FEDRAMP_REGIONS_ONLY'
- Removed the 'NONE' enum value from the 'results/items/regionUsageRestrictions' response property
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The 'regionUsageRestrictions' request property default value changed from 'NONE' to 'COMMERCIAL_FEDRAMP_REGIONS_ONLY'
- The 'regionUsageRestrictions' response's property default value changed from 'NONE' to 'COMMERCIAL_FEDRAMP_REGIONS_ONLY'
- Removed the 'NONE' enum value from the 'regionUsageRestrictions' response property
- Removed the enum value 'NONE' of the request property 'regionUsageRestrictions'
- The 'regionUsageRestrictions' response's property default value changed from 'NONE' to 'COMMERCIAL_FEDRAMP_REGIONS_ONLY'
- Removed the 'NONE' enum value from the 'regionUsageRestrictions' response property
- The 'regionUsageRestrictions' response's property default value changed from 'NONE' to 'COMMERCIAL_FEDRAMP_REGIONS_ONLY'
- Removed the 'NONE' enum value from the 'regionUsageRestrictions' response property
- The 'regionUsageRestrictions' response's property default value changed from 'NONE' to 'COMMERCIAL_FEDRAMP_REGIONS_ONLY'
- Removed the 'NONE' enum value from the 'regionUsageRestrictions' response property
- The 'regionUsageRestrictions' response's property default value changed from 'NONE' to 'COMMERCIAL_FEDRAMP_REGIONS_ONLY'
- Removed the 'NONE' enum value from the 'results/items/regionUsageRestrictions' response property
29 March 2024 Release
- Added the new 'S70_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S70_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S70_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added the new 'S70_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S70_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
28 March 2024 Release
- Added the optional property 'results/items/audience' to the response
- Added the optional properties '/audience, audience' to the response
- Added the new optional request properties '/audience, audience'
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added the optional property '/audience' to the response
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added the optional property '/audience' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/audience'
- Added the new 'GCP' enum value to the 'results/items/provider' response property
- Added the new 'S135_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S135_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S135_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added the new 'S135_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S135_LOWCPU_NVME' enum value to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added the new 'US_EAST_2_EUAP' enum value to the 'results/items/region' response property
- Added the new 'US_EAST_2_EUAP' enum value to the '/region' response property
- Added the new 'US_EAST_2_EUAP' enum value to the request property '/region'
- Added the new 'US_EAST_2_EUAP' enum value to the 'results/items/region' response property
- Added the new 'US_EAST_2_EUAP' enum value to the '/region' response property
- Added the new 'US_EAST_2_EUAP' enum value to the '/region' response property
- Added the new 'US_EAST_2_EUAP' enum value to the request property '/region'
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_INSTANCE_FAMILY_UPDATED' enum value to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_INSTANCE_FAMILY_UPDATED' enum value to the '/eventTypeName' response property
07 March 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The response properties 'results/items/tags/items/key, results/items/tags/items/value' became required
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The request properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- Added the new optional request property 'tags'
- Added the success response with the status '204'
- Added the new 'AP1' enum value to the 'results/items/notifications/items/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'AP1' enum value to the '/notifications/items/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the '/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'AP1' enum value to the request property '/notifications/items/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the request property '/eventTypeName'
- Added the new 'AP1' enum value to the '/notifications/items/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the '/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'AP1' enum value to the '/notifications/items/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the '/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'AP1' enum value to the '/notifications/items/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the '/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'AP1' enum value to the request property '/notifications/items/datadogRegion'
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the request property '/eventTypeName'
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the 'results/items/eventTypeName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the 'results/items/eventTypeName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the '/eventTypeName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the '/eventTypeName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the request property '/eventTypeName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'AP1' enum value to the 'results/items/notifications/items/datadogRegion' response property
- Added the new 'AWS_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, AZURE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID, GCP_ENCRYPTION_KEY_INVALID' enum values to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'overwriteBackupPolicies'
- Added the non-success response with the status '400'
- Added the new 'GOV_CENTRAL_US, GOV_US_EAST_4, GOV_US_EAST_5, GOV_US_SOUTH_1, GOV_US_WEST_2, GOV_US_WEST_3, GOV_US_WEST_4, GOV_WESTERN_US' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- The response properties 'results/items/tags/items/key, results/items/tags/items/value' became required
- Added the new 'GOV_CENTRAL_US, GOV_US_EAST_4, GOV_US_EAST_5, GOV_US_SOUTH_1, GOV_US_WEST_2, GOV_US_WEST_3, GOV_US_WEST_4, GOV_WESTERN_US' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_CENTRAL_US, GOV_US_EAST_4, GOV_US_EAST_5, GOV_US_SOUTH_1, GOV_US_WEST_2, GOV_US_WEST_3, GOV_US_WEST_4, GOV_WESTERN_US' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The request properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- Added the new 'GOV_CENTRAL_US, GOV_US_EAST_4, GOV_US_EAST_5, GOV_US_SOUTH_1, GOV_US_WEST_2, GOV_US_WEST_3, GOV_US_WEST_4, GOV_WESTERN_US' enum values to the 'providerSettings/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_CENTRAL_US, GOV_US_EAST_4, GOV_US_EAST_5, GOV_US_SOUTH_1, GOV_US_WEST_2, GOV_US_WEST_3, GOV_US_WEST_4, GOV_WESTERN_US' enum values to the request property 'providerSettings/regionName'
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The request properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The request properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- Added the new 'GOV_CENTRAL_US, GOV_US_EAST_4, GOV_US_EAST_5, GOV_US_SOUTH_1, GOV_US_WEST_2, GOV_US_WEST_3, GOV_US_WEST_4, GOV_WESTERN_US' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- Added the new 'GOV_CENTRAL_US, GOV_US_EAST_4, GOV_US_EAST_5, GOV_US_SOUTH_1, GOV_US_WEST_2, GOV_US_WEST_3, GOV_US_WEST_4, GOV_WESTERN_US' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_CENTRAL_US, GOV_US_EAST_4, GOV_US_EAST_5, GOV_US_SOUTH_1, GOV_US_WEST_2, GOV_US_WEST_3, GOV_US_WEST_4, GOV_WESTERN_US' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The request properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- Added the new 'S120_LOWCPU_NVME, S130_LOWCPU_NVME, S140_LOWCPU_NVME' enum values to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S120_LOWCPU_NVME, S130_LOWCPU_NVME, S140_LOWCPU_NVME' enum values to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S120_LOWCPU_NVME, S130_LOWCPU_NVME, S140_LOWCPU_NVME' enum values to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added the new 'S120_LOWCPU_NVME, S130_LOWCPU_NVME, S140_LOWCPU_NVME' enum values to the 'specs/items/instanceSize' response property
- Added the new 'S120_LOWCPU_NVME, S130_LOWCPU_NVME, S140_LOWCPU_NVME' enum values to the request property 'specs/items/instanceSize'
- Added 'Encryption Event Types, Version Audit Types' to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'ServiceAccountGroupEvents' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Encryption Event Types, Version Audit Types' from the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'STREAM_TENANT_AUDIT_LOGS_DELETED' enum value to the 'results/items/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'ServiceAccountGroupEvents' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Encryption Event Types, Version Audit Types' to the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Encryption Event Types, Version Audit Types' from the '/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'STREAM_TENANT_AUDIT_LOGS_DELETED' enum value to the '/eventTypeName' response property
- The request optional property 'state' became read-only
- The request optional property 'state' became read-only
- The response properties 'results/items/tags/items/key, results/items/tags/items/value' became required
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The request properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The response properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- The request properties 'tags/items/key, tags/items/value' became required
- Added '[Sample]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/connections/items/' response property
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the 'results/items/connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '[Sample]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' request property
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the 'connections/items/' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added '[Sample]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '[Sample]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '[Sample]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'connections/items/' response property
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the 'connections/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Endpoint added
- Added '[Sample]' discriminator mapping keys to the 'results/items/' response property
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '[Sample]' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added '[Sample]' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '[Sample]' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added '[Sample]' mapping keys to the request discriminator
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Added '[Sample]' mapping keys to the response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added 'StreamsSampleConnection' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Changed the pattern of the request property '/items/cidrBlock' from '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))((%2[fF]|\/)[0-9]{1,3})+$' to '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|(:{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[:]{0,2}))((%2[fF]|/)[0-9]{1,3})+$'
- Changed the pattern of the request property '/items/ipAddress' from '^((([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})|([\:]{0,2}([0-9a-f]{1,4}\:){0,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}[\:]{0,2}))$' to '^((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9]|)\d)(\.(?!$)|$)){4}|([0-9a-f]{1,4}:){7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}$'
- Added 'ServiceAccountOrgEvents' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'ServiceAccountOrgEvents' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- The response properties 'results/items/tags/items/key, results/items/tags/items/value' became required
29 February 2024 Release
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value changed from '6.0' to '7.0'
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' request property default value changed from '6.0' to '7.0'
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value changed from '6.0' to '7.0'
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' request property default value changed from '6.0' to '7.0'
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value changed from '6.0' to '7.0'
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value changed from '6.0' to '7.0'
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' request property default value changed from '6.0' to '7.0'
- The 'mongoDBMajorVersion' response's property default value changed from '6.0' to '7.0'
21 February 2024 Release
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_UPDATE_STARTED_INTERNAL, MATERIAL_CLUSTER_UPDATE_COMPLETED_INTERNAL' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSAuditViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CLUSTER_UPDATE_STARTED_INTERNAL, MATERIAL_CLUSTER_UPDATE_COMPLETED_INTERNAL' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSAuditViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
17 February 2024 Release
- Added the new 'STREAM_TENANT_AUDIT_LOGS' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSAuditViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'STREAM_TENANT_AUDIT_LOGS' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSAuditViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
15 February 2024 Release
- Added the new optional 'query' request parameter 'idpType'
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- For the 'path' request parameter 'identityProviderId', the minLength was decreased from '20' to '0'
- Removed the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{20})$' from the 'path' request parameter 'identityProviderId'
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- For the 'path' request parameter 'identityProviderId', the minLength was decreased from '20' to '0'
- Removed the pattern '^([a-f0-9]{20})$' from the 'path' request parameter 'identityProviderId'
- Endpoint added
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups
- Added the optional property 'results/items/tags' to the response
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups
- Added the optional property 'tags' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'tags'
- Added the optional property 'tags' to the response
- Added the optional property 'tags' to the response
- Added the optional property 'tags' to the response
- The response properties 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/ClusterAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/EncryptionKeyAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSX509UserAuthenticationAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/ServerlessMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications' became required
- The response properties '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ClusterAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/EncryptionKeyAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSX509UserAuthenticationAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ServerlessMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications' became required
- The response properties '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ClusterAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/EncryptionKeyAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSX509UserAuthenticationAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ServerlessMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications' became required
- The response properties '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ClusterAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/EncryptionKeyAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSX509UserAuthenticationAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ServerlessMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications' became required
- The response properties '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ClusterAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/EncryptionKeyAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSX509UserAuthenticationAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ServerlessMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications' became required
- The request properties '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ClusterAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/EncryptionKeyAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSX509UserAuthenticationAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, /oneOf[#/components/schemas/ServerlessMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications' became required
- The response properties 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AppServiceMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/ClusterAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/EncryptionKeyAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/HostMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/NDSX509UserAuthenticationAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/ReplicaSetThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications, results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/ServerlessMetricAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/notifications' became required
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'scheduledPolicyItems/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the 'onDemandPolicyItem/retentionUnit' response property
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the 'scheduledPolicyItems/items/retentionUnit' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'scheduledPolicyItems/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the 'onDemandPolicyItem/retentionUnit' response property
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the 'scheduledPolicyItems/items/retentionUnit' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the request property 'scheduledPolicyItems/items/frequencyType'
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the request property 'onDemandPolicyItem/retentionUnit'
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the request property 'scheduledPolicyItems/items/retentionUnit'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'providerSettings/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CloudGCPProviderSettings]/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'providerSettings/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CloudGCPProviderSettings]/regionName'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'GOV_EASTERN_US' enum value to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'copySettings/items/frequencies/items/' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'extraRetentionSettings/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'export/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'policies/items/policyItems/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the 'policies/items/policyItems/items/retentionUnit' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'copySettings/items/frequencies/items/' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'extraRetentionSettings/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'export/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'policies/items/policyItems/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the 'policies/items/policyItems/items/retentionUnit' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'copySettings/items/frequencies/items/' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'extraRetentionSettings/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'export/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'policies/items/policyItems/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the 'policies/items/policyItems/items/retentionUnit' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the request property 'copySettings/items/frequencies/items/'
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the request property 'extraRetentionSettings/items/frequencyType'
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the request property 'export/frequencyType'
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the request property 'policies/items/policyItems/items/frequencyType'
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the request property 'policies/items/policyItems/items/retentionUnit'
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'results/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'frequencyType' response property
- Added the optional property 'configServerType' to the response
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'results/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the optional property 'results/items/configServerType' to the response
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'YEARS' enum value to the request property 'retentionUnit'
- Added the new 'ISRAEL_CENTRAL, ITALY_NORTH, POLAND_CENTRAL' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureCloudProviderContainer]/region' response property
- Added the new 'ISRAEL_CENTRAL, ITALY_NORTH, POLAND_CENTRAL' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureCloudProviderContainer]/region' response property
- Added the new 'ISRAEL_CENTRAL, ITALY_NORTH, POLAND_CENTRAL' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureCloudProviderContainer]/region'
- Added the new 'ISRAEL_CENTRAL, ITALY_NORTH, POLAND_CENTRAL' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureCloudProviderContainer]/region' response property
- Added the new 'ISRAEL_CENTRAL, ITALY_NORTH, POLAND_CENTRAL' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureCloudProviderContainer]/region' response property
- Added the new 'ISRAEL_CENTRAL, ITALY_NORTH, POLAND_CENTRAL' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureCloudProviderContainer]/region' response property
- Added the new 'ISRAEL_CENTRAL, ITALY_NORTH, POLAND_CENTRAL' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureCloudProviderContainer]/region'
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the '/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'years' enum value to the '/items/retentionUnit' response property
- Added the new 'yearly' enum value to the 'results/items/frequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'results/items/backupFrequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'backupFrequencyType' response property
- Added the new 'YEARLY' enum value to the 'backupFrequencyType' response property
- Endpoint added
POST /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/serverless/{clusterName}/performanceAdvisor/autoIndexing
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'results/items/tags' to the response
- The request required property 'name' became write-only
- Api tag 'Root' added
07 February 2024 Release
- Added the optional property 'numberOfDeferrals' to the response
- The request property 'hourOfDay' became optional
06 February 2024 Release
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'providerSettings/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderSettings]/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'providerSettings/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderSettings]/regionName'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#1]/' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#1]/'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderContainer]/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderContainer]/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderContainer]/regionName'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderContainer]/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderContainer]/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderContainer]/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSCloudProviderContainer]/regionName'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the '/items/storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSAWSStore]/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the '/items/storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeS3StoreSettings]/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSAWSStore]/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeS3StoreSettings]/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSAWSStore]/region'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeS3StoreSettings]/region'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSAWSStore]/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeS3StoreSettings]/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSAWSStore]/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeS3StoreSettings]/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeDLSAWSStore]/region'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'storage/stores/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DataLakeS3StoreSettings]/region'
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'awsKms/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the 'awsKms/region' response property
- Added the new 'CA_WEST_1, IL_CENTRAL_1' enum values to the request property 'awsKms/region'
26 January 2024 Release
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'results/items/replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'providerSettings/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CloudGCPProviderSettings]/regionName' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'providerSettings/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CloudGCPProviderSettings]/regionName'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AWSRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/AzureRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/TenantRegionConfig]/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property 'replicationSpecs/items/regionConfigs/items/regionName/oneOf[#3]/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPCloudProviderContainer]/regions/items/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPCloudProviderContainer]/regions/items/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPCloudProviderContainer]/regions/items/'
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPCloudProviderContainer]/regions/items/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPCloudProviderContainer]/regions/items/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPCloudProviderContainer]/regions/items/' response property
- Added the new 'EUROPE_WEST_10, MIDDLE_EAST_CENTRAL_2' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/GCPCloudProviderContainer]/regions/items/'
25 January 2024 Release
- Removed discriminator from 'results/items/' response property
- Added 'FederationSamlIdentityProvider, FederationOidcWorkforceIdentityProvider' to the 'results/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'results/items/createdAt, results/items/updatedAt' to the response
- Removed the optional property 'results/items/associatedDomains' from the response
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Removed response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added 'FederationSamlIdentityProvider, FederationOidcWorkforceIdentityProvider' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'createdAt, updatedAt' to the response
- Removed the optional property 'associatedDomains' from the response
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Removed request discriminator
- Added 'FederationSamlIdentityProviderUpdate, FederationOidcWorkforceIdentityProviderUpdate' to the request body 'oneOf' list
- Removed response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added 'FederationSamlIdentityProvider, FederationOidcWorkforceIdentityProvider' to the response body 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the optional properties 'createdAt, updatedAt' to the response
- Removed the optional property 'associatedDomains' from the response
- Removed the request property 'associatedDomains'
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/'
- Added the new 'CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName'
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/'
- Added the new 'CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum value to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName'
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED, CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED, CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED, CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED, CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED, CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum values to the request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/'
- Added the new 'CPS_AUTO_EXPORT_FAILED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#2]/' response property
- Added the new 'CPS_PREV_SNAPSHOT_OLD' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/CpsBackupThresholdAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the optional property 'results/items/dataProcessRegion' to the response
- The request optional property 'collectionType' became write-only
- The request optional property 'dataProcessRegion' became write-only
- The request optional property 'partitionFields' became write-only
- The request required property 'collName' became write-only
- The request required property 'dbName' became write-only
- Added the optional property 'dataProcessRegion' to the response
- Added the optional property 'dataProcessRegion' to the response
- Added the optional property 'dataProcessRegion' to the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Disk Backup Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types, Disk Backup Event Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Cps Backup Event Types, Disk Backup Event Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Cps Backup Event Types, Disk Backup Event Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new optional request property 'sharding'
- Added the new optional request property 'sharding'
- Added the optional property 'results/items/streamConfig' to the response
- Added the optional property 'streamConfig' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'streamConfig'
- Added the optional property 'streamConfig' to the response
- Added the optional property 'streamConfig' to the response
- Added the new 'CREDIT_AZURE_PRIVATE_PLAN_ID_MODIFIED, PENDING_DEAL_ACTIVATION_ADDED, PENDING_DEAL_ACTIVATION_CANCELED, PENDING_DEAL_ACTIVATION_FAILED, PENDING_DEAL_APPLIED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingEventViewForOrg]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the non-success response with the status '404'
19 January 2024 Release
- Added the new 'simple' enum value to the request property 'collation/locale'
18 January 2024 Release
- Added the optional properties 'links, results, totalCount' to the response
- Added the optional properties 'groupId, services' to the response
17 January 2024 Release
- Added the optional property 'results/items/diskWarmingMode' to the response
- Added the optional property 'diskWarmingMode' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'diskWarmingMode'
- Added the optional property 'diskWarmingMode' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'diskWarmingMode'
- Added the optional property 'diskWarmingMode' to the response
- Added the optional property 'diskWarmingMode' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'diskWarmingMode'
- Added the new 'SERVERLESS_MTM_DRAIN_STOPPED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#18]/' response property
- Added the new 'SERVERLESS_MTM_DRAIN_STOPPED' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName/oneOf[#18]/' response property
10 January 2024 Release
GET /api/atlas/v2
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was added to the API
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'apiKey/roles/items/roleName' response property
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was added to the API
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the '/items/roleMappings/items/roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roleMappings/items/roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roleMappings/items/roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the request property 'roleMappings/items/roleAssignments/items/role'
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/connectedOrgConfigs/{orgId}/roleMappings
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'results/items/roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the request property 'roleAssignments/items/role'
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the request property 'roleAssignments/items/role'
- Removed 'FederationSamlIdentityProvider, FederationOidcIdentityProvider' from the '/items/' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the '/items/associatedOrgs/items/roleMappings/items/roleAssignments/items/role' response property
GET /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Removed the optional properties 'acsUrl, audienceUri, pemFileInfo, requestBinding, responseSignatureAlgorithm, ssoDebugEnabled, ssoUrl, status' from the response
- Added the non-success response with the status '403'
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'associatedOrgs/items/roleMappings/items/roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Removed the optional property 'pemFileInfo/certificates/items/content' from the response
- New resource added 2023-11-15. Resource version 2023-02-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-01-01
PATCH /api/atlas/v2/federationSettings/{federationSettingsId}/identityProviders/{identityProviderId}
- Added request discriminator
- Added response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Removed the optional properties 'acsUrl, audienceUri, pemFileInfo, requestBinding, responseSignatureAlgorithm, ssoDebugEnabled, ssoUrl, status' from the response
- Removed the request property 'slug'
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'associatedOrgs/items/roleMappings/items/roleAssignments/items/role' response property
- Removed the optional property 'pemFileInfo/certificates/items/content' from the response
- New resource added 2023-11-15. Resource version 2023-02-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-01-01
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was added to the API
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was added to the API
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'groupRoleAssignments/items/groupRole' response property
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' request property 'oneOf' list
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types, NDS Audit Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultAlertConfigViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'results/items/roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the request property 'roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the request property 'roles/items/'
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the request property '/items/roles/items/'
- The response properties 'authorizedUserFirstName, authorizedUserLastName' became required
- Added the new '0.00' enum value to the 'onDemandPolicyItem/frequencyInterval' response property
- New resource added 2023-11-15. Resource version 2023-02-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2024-10-01
- The response properties 'authorizedUserFirstName, authorizedUserLastName' became required
- The request properties 'authorizedUserFirstName, authorizedUserLastName' became required
- Added the new '0.00' enum value to the 'onDemandPolicyItem/frequencyInterval' response property
- Added the new '0.00' enum value to the request property 'onDemandPolicyItem/frequencyInterval'
- New resource added 2023-11-15. Resource version 2023-02-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2024-10-01
- Added request discriminator
- Added response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added the optional property 'type' to the response
- Removed the optional properties 'analyzer, analyzers, mappings, searchAnalyzer, synonyms' from the response
- Removed the request properties 'analyzer, analyzers, mappings, searchAnalyzer, synonyms'
- Added the new optional request property 'type'
- Added discriminator to '/items/' response property
- Added the optional property '/items/type' to the response
- Removed the optional properties '/items/analyzer, /items/analyzers, /items/mappings, /items/searchAnalyzer, /items/synonyms' from the response
- Added response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added the optional property 'type' to the response
- Removed the optional properties 'analyzer, analyzers, mappings, searchAnalyzer, synonyms' from the response
- Added request discriminator
- Added response discriminator for the response status '200'
- Added the optional property 'type' to the response
- Removed the optional properties 'analyzer, analyzers, mappings, searchAnalyzer, synonyms' from the response
- Removed the request properties 'analyzer, analyzers, mappings, searchAnalyzer, synonyms'
- Added the new optional request property 'type'
- Removed the optional property 'results/items/dataProcessRegion' from the response
- Removed the optional property 'dataProcessRegion' from the response
- Removed the optional property 'dataProcessRegion' from the response
- The request optional property 'collName' became read-only
- The request optional property 'collectionType' became read-only
- The request optional property 'dbName' became read-only
- The request optional property 'partitionFields' became read-only
- Removed the optional property 'dataProcessRegion' from the response
- Added the optional property 'queryStatsLogVerbosity' to the response
- Added the optional property 'queryStatsLogVerbosity' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'queryStatsLogVerbosity'
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property '/items/privateEndpointHostnames' to the response
- Added the optional property 'privateEndpointHostnames' to the response
- Added the optional property 'privateEndpointHostnames' to the response
- Added the optional property 'privateEndpointHostnames' to the response
- Added the new 'STREAM' enum value to the 'results/items/scopes/items/type' response property
- Added the new 'USER' enum value to the 'results/items/oidcAuthType' response property
- Added the success response with the status '201'
- Added the new 'STREAM' enum value to the request property 'scopes/items/type'
- Added the new 'USER' enum value to the request property 'oidcAuthType'
- Added the new 'STREAM' enum value to the 'scopes/items/type' response property
- Added the new 'USER' enum value to the 'oidcAuthType' response property
- Added the new 'STREAM' enum value to the 'scopes/items/type' response property
- Added the new 'USER' enum value to the 'oidcAuthType' response property
- Added the new 'STREAM' enum value to the request property 'scopes/items/type'
- Added the new 'USER' enum value to the request property 'oidcAuthType'
- Added the success response with the status '201'
- Added 'Group Event Types, Proactive Operation Event Types' to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types' from the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEX_CLEANED_UP' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/FTSIndexAuditView]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added 'Group Event Types, Proactive Operation Event Types' to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Removed 'Group Event Types' from the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/DefaultEventViewForNdsGroup]/eventTypeName' response property 'oneOf' list for the response
- Added the new 'FTS_INDEX_CLEANED_UP' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/FTSIndexAuditView]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'PAGE_FAULTS' enum value to the 'hardwareMetrics/items/metricName' response property
- Added the new 'PAGE_FAULTS' enum value to the 'indexMetrics/items/metricName' response property
- Added the new 'PAGE_FAULTS' enum value to the 'statusMetrics/items/metricName' response property
- Added the new 'MICROSECONDS' enum value to the 'indexStatsMeasurements/items/units' response property
- Added the new 'MICROSECONDS' enum value to the 'indexStatsMeasurements/items/units' response property
- Added the new 'MICROSECONDS' enum value to the 'hardwareMeasurements/items/units' response property
- Added the new 'MICROSECONDS' enum value to the 'statusMeasurements/items/units' response property
GET /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/processes/{processId}/databases/{databaseName}/measurements
- The endpoint scheme security 'DigestAuth' was added to the API
- Added the new 'MICROSECONDS' enum value to the 'measurements/items/units' response property
- Added the new 'MICROSECONDS' enum value to the 'measurements/items/units' response property
- Added the new 'MICROSECONDS' enum value to the 'measurements/items/units' response property
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Endpoint added
- Added the optional property 'results/items/connections/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute' to the response
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute' to the response
- Added the new optional request property 'connections/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute'
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute' to the response
- Added the optional property 'connections/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute' to the response
- Added the optional property 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute' to the response
- Added the optional property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute'
- Added the optional property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute' to the response
- Added the optional property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute' to the response
- Added the new optional request property '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/StreamsClusterConnection]/dbRoleToExecute'
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'results/items/roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'groupRoles/items/' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the request property 'groupRoles/items/'
POST /api/atlas/v2/orgs
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'apiKey/roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'results/items/roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'Atlas Stream Processing' enum value to the request property 'services/items/'
- Added the new 'GRACE_PERIOD_ACTIVATED, GRACE_PERIOD_NO_LONGER_IN_EFFECT, ORG_UNLINK_CANCELLED, ORG_UNLINK_REQUESTED' enum values to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingEventViewForOrg]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'ORG_SUSPENSION_DATE_CHANGED' enum value to the 'results/items/oneOf[#/components/schemas/OrgEventViewForOrg]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'GRACE_PERIOD_ACTIVATED, GRACE_PERIOD_NO_LONGER_IN_EFFECT, ORG_UNLINK_CANCELLED, ORG_UNLINK_REQUESTED' enum values to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/BillingEventViewForOrg]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'ORG_SUSPENSION_DATE_CHANGED' enum value to the '/oneOf[#/components/schemas/OrgEventViewForOrg]/eventTypeName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the '/items/groupRoleAssignments/items/groupRole' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'groupRoleAssignments/items/groupRole' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'groupRoleAssignments/items/groupRole' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'groupRoleAssignments/items/groupRole' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'groupRoleAssignments/items/groupRole' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'results/items/roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'results/items/roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'results/items/roles/items/roleName' response property
- Endpoint added
POST /api/atlas/v2/users
- The request required property 'emailAddress' became read-only
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the request property 'roles/items/roleName'
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
- Added the new 'GROUP_STREAM_PROCESSING_OWNER' enum value to the 'roles/items/roleName' response property
01 February 2023 Release
- Removed the optional properties from the response: 'results.items.mongoURIWithOptions', 'results.items.providerBackupEnabled', 'results.items.mongoURIUpdated', 'results.items.srvAddress', 'results.items.replicationSpec', 'results.items.mongoURI', 'results.items.numShards', 'results.items.autoScaling', 'results.items.providerSettings', 'results.items.replicationFactor', 'results.items.replicationSpecs.regionsConfig'
- Added response property 'results.items.replicationSpecs.regionConfigs'
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- Removed the request properties: 'mongoURIWithOptions', 'providerBackupEnabled', 'mongoURIUpdated', 'srvAddress', 'replicationSpec', 'mongoURI', 'numShards', 'autoScaling', 'providerSettings', 'replicationFactor', 'replicationSpecs.regionsConfig'
- Added 'replicationSpecs.regionConfigs' request property
- Removed the optional properties from the response: 'mongoURIWithOptions', 'providerBackupEnabled', 'mongoURIUpdated', 'srvAddress', 'replicationSpec', 'mongoURI','numShards', 'autoScaling', 'providerSettings', 'replicationFactor', 'replicationSpecs.regionsConfig'
- Added response property 'replicationSpecs.regionConfigs'
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- Removed the optional properties from the response: 'mongoURIWithOptions', 'providerBackupEnabled', 'mongoURIUpdated', 'srvAddress', 'replicationSpec', 'mongoURI','numShards', 'autoScaling', 'providerSettings', 'replicationFactor', 'replicationSpecs.regionsConfig'
- Added response property 'replicationSpecs.regionConfigs'
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- Removed the request properties: 'mongoURIWithOptions', 'providerBackupEnabled', 'mongoURIUpdated', 'srvAddress', 'replicationSpec', 'mongoURI', 'numShards', 'autoScaling', 'providerSettings', 'replicationFactor', 'replicationSpecs.regionsConfig'
- Added 'replicationSpecs.regionConfigs' request property
- Removed the optional properties from the response: 'mongoURIWithOptions', 'providerBackupEnabled', 'mongoURIUpdated', 'srvAddress', 'replicationSpec', 'mongoURI','numShards', 'autoScaling', 'providerSettings', 'replicationFactor', 'replicationSpecs.regionsConfig'
- Added response property 'replicationSpecs.regionConfigs'
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
DELETE /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalWrites/customZoneMapping
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- Removed the request property 'customZoneMappings'
- Added the request property 'customZoneMapping'
- Added the request property 'managedNamespaces'
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
DELETE /api/atlas/v2/groups/{groupId}/clusters/{clusterName}/globalWrites/managedNamespaces
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- The request property 'db' became optional
- The request property 'collection' became optional
- The request property 'customShardKey' became optional
- The 'numInitialChunks' request property's max was removed (from 8192)
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01
- New resource added 2023-02-01. Resource version 2023-01-01 deprecated and marked for removal on 2025-06-01