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MongoDB Atlas

Atlas Changelog

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  • 2024 Releases
  • 2023 Releases
  • 2022 Releases
  • 2021 Releases
  • 2020 Releases
  • 2019 Releases
  • 2018 Releases
  • Supports Shared and Flex clusters.

  • Allows you to verify your data during live migrations to Atlas.

  • Updates the createThirdPartyIntegration API resource for the Datadog integration with sendCollectionLatencyMetrics and sendDatabaseMetrics options for sending data from your Atlas cluster to Datadog.

  • Sends the availability_zone, provider, and region replica set tags as part of the metrics payload to Prometheus. Adding these tags allows you to aggregate data by region, provider, and availability zone. To learn more, see Return the Latest Targets for Prometheus.

  • Supports filtering the results in the Performance Advisor by shards and hosts, namespace, time range, and date and time.

  • Supports MongoDB 8.0 and upgrades M0 and M2/M5 clusters to MongoDB 8.0. To learn more, see MongoDB 8.0 Release Notes.

  • Adds an option to specify a designated Atlas security contact to receive security-related notifications.

  • Improves auto-scaling and elasticity for Atlas clusters to allow you to scale Atlas clusters up to 50% faster, respond to resource demands 5X faster in real-time, and optimize performance, while reducing operational costs.

  • For Atlas clusters deployed on AWS and Azure, allows you to download the snapshot over the private endpoints in the same region as the snapshot. To learn more, see Restore from a Locally-Downloaded Snapshot.

  • Adds the PAGES_REQUESTED_FROM_CACHE and the DISK_QUEUE_DEPTH metrics to the list of metrics you can send from your Atlas cluster to Datadog. To learn more, see Integrate with Datadog.

  • Adds the ttldeleted metric to the Opcounters hardware metric. To learn more, review available metrics and search for ttldeleted.

  • Adds M10 cluster tier support for the Azure SWEDEN_CENTRAL and SWEDEN_SOUTH regions.

  • Adds the Disk Throughput read and write metric.

  • Adds the Cache Ratio metric. A high cache fill ratio indicates that most data requests are being served from memory, leading to faster query performance and reduced disk I/O.

  • Sends an email if your live migration process is successful, pending 12 hours after the cutover, or has failed.

  • Adds a Private Preview program for Online Archive for Atlas clusters deployed on Google Cloud.

  • Supports using a customer-managed key (CMK) from Azure Key Vault (AKV) to further encrypt your data at rest in Atlas. To learn more, see Manage Customer Keys with Azure Key Vault.

  • Adds resource tags defined in projects to customer invoice CSV exports and invoice API responses.

  • Increases shard limit for an Atlas cluster from 50 to 70.

  • Adds the ability to unlink organizations from your paying organization from the Atlas UI. To learn more, see Unlink Organizations.

  • Removes support for legacy two-factor authentication. Use multi-factor authentication instead.

  • Adds the Migration Hub to Atlas. The Migration Hub displays available migration resources and the status of migrations in progress. To learn more, see Monitor Migrations.

  • Allows you to add low carbon regions and shows Low Carbon indicators on AWS and Google Cloud regions when you create a cluster in the Atlas UI.

  • Allows you to monitor collection-level query latency in a new Query Insights tab in the Atlas UI. Atlas supports this metric for M10+ dedicated clusters.

  • When you upgrade a replica set to a multi-sharded cluster, requires that you upgrade to a single shard cluster first, by restarting your application, reconnecting to the cluster, and then adding additional shards. To learn more, see Scale your Replica Set to a Sharded Cluster.

  • Allows you to specify yearly option in the backup policy.

  • Allows you to use the Atlas UI to add team members that are part of the organization or users that previously received an invitation to join the organization.

  • Supports archiving data using Online Archive to Azure storage for Atlas clusters deployed on Azure. To learn more, see Configure Online Archive.

  • Introduces Atlas Stream Processing in public preview. With Atlas Stream Processing, you can process streaming data in Atlas.

  • Supports Atlas deployments in the following new cloud provider regions:

    • AWS

      • Israel (il-central-1)

      • Canada West (ca-west-1)

    • Azure

      • Poland (polandcentral)

      • Israel Central (israelcenttral)

      • Italy North (italynorth)

    • Google Cloud

      • Berlin, Germany (europe-west10)

  • Supports adding resource tags to projects in Atlas. To learn more, see Tags on Projects.

  • Fixes an issue where Atlas inaccurately reported the network bytes out metric that appears in the System Network chart. This release resets this metric and the previous values no longer appear. To learn more, see Review Available Metrics and System Network Out is.

  • Increases the minimum threshold for archiving data after 7 days from 100 kB to 5 MiB. To learn more, see Limitations.

  • Makes MongoDB 7.1 generally available for all deployments.

  • Adds new regions for Azure NVMe clusters.

  • Introduces the following billing improvements:

    • Lowers RPU billing for serverless instances with read-heavy workloads.

    • Supports viewing and analyzing Atlas usage with a billing cost explorer. To learn more, see Billing Cost Explorer.

    • Supports viewing resource tags in Atlas billing invoices through the Atlas Administration API and billing invoice CSV exports. To learn more, see Resource Tags on Invoices.

  • Provides preview of using Terraform Provider v1.11.1 or higher to manage your workforce's access to MongoDB Atlas with OIDC. To learn more, see Authentication and Authorization with OIDC/OAuth 2.0.

  • Supports online archives as a source for Atlas Data Federation. To learn more, see Online Archives.

  • Adds a new project overview that displays modules containing common Atlas actions. You can configure the project overview to display as your project's landing page.

  • Provides preview of MongoDB 7.0+ databases support for dedicated clusters.

  • Supports cross-organization billing in Atlas for Government.

  • Releases v2.0 of the Atlas Admin API. To learn more, see Versioned Atlas Administration API Overview.


    This version unifies the API endpoints for single-cloud clusters and multi-cloud clusters under the Clusters API resource.

  • Supports tags for your Atlas clusters through the Atlas UI, Atlas Administration API, and Atlas CLI.

  • Provides preview of federated access to MongoDB 7.0+ databases on Atlas using an identity provider (IdP) that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), including Microsoft Entra ID, Okta, and Ping Identity.

  • Introduces resource-level versioning in the Atlas Administration API.

  • Provides Go SDK to fetch or modify data from the Atlas Administration API.

  • Introduces new Organization Billing Viewer role to restrict billing access to authorized users.

  • Supports an optional federationSettingsId parameter in the createOneOrganization API endpoint to link an Atlas organization to an existing federated access configuration.

  • Introduces fine-grained data modification and scalability improvements for time series data.

  • Supports one new Azure region:

    • qatarcentral (Doha, Qatar)

  • Supports five new Google Cloud regions:

    • me-west1 (Tel Aviv, Israel)

    • europe-west12 (Turin, Italy)

    • me-central1 (Doha, Qatar)

    • us-east5 (Columbus, OH, USA)

    • us-south1 (Dallas, TX, USA)

  • Sets the limit of unique shard keys for Global Clusters per Atlas project to 40. To learn more, see Atlas Limits.

  • Supports five new AWS regions:

    • ap-south-2 (Hyderabad, India)

    • ap-southeast-4 (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

    • eu-central-2 (Zurich, Switzerland)

    • eu-south-2 (Spain)

    • me-central-1 (UAE)

  • Adds the ability to pull a source sharded cluster to an Atlas sharded cluster for source and destination clusters running MongoDB 6.0.5 or later. To learn more, see Live Migrate a MongoDB 6.0.5 or Later Cluster into Atlas.

  • Upgrades each of your clusters that run MongoDB 4.2 to MongoDB 4.4. MongoDB 4.2 reached end of life on 30 April 2023, according to the MongoDB Support Policy. The upgrade to MongoDB 4.4 runs within your maintenance window if you configured one in your project settings.

  • Updates the default MongoDB version for all new Atlas clusters to MongoDB 6.0.

    • Automatically upgrades all free tier (M0) and shared tier (M2 and M5) clusters to MongoDB 6.0.

  • Supports enabling a Backup Compliance Policy to protect your backup data.

  • Improves the IP Access List for the Atlas UI so that you can use the same IP access list to restrict API access to Atlas, and access to the Atlas UI.

  • Supports user-defined metrics labels from Atlas to Datadog.

  • Adds SCRAM-SHA-256 as the default authentication mechanism for database users in Atlas. To learn more, see Configure Database Users.

  • Supports simulating an outage for Atlas for regions that contain a majority of database nodes, and reconfiguring a cluster from an unhealthy to a healthy state in the event of such an outage.

  • Supports connecting to your database behind private endpoints with an optimized SRV connection string for sharded clusters.

  • Adds a streamlined experience for users deploying their first Atlas database using templates for best practices.

  • Adds EU region support for the PagerDuty integration.

Supports converting Shared clusters (M0, M2, M5) to Serverless instances.


On 17 March 2022, MongoDB Atlas moved to Let's Encrypt as the new Certificate Authority for TLS certificates for For more information, see FAQ: Security.

  • Introduces Termination Protection for clusters.

  • Adds a project setting that lets you configure some M40+ clusters with greater maximum storage than the standard limit.

  • Adds the Set Oplog Size UI configuration setting. This setting allows you to set the minimum retention window for Oplog entries. You can see the Set Oplog Size configuration setting in the UI only if you previously configured it for your cluster. For all new clusters, set the Minimum Oplog Window instead.

  • Introduces the Local NVMe SSD storage option in the Atlas UI for some dedicated clusters that run on Azure. Locally attached ephemeral NVMe SSDs offer the highest level of speed and performance. To learn more, see NVMe Storage.

  • Adds the enableSharding privilege to custom database roles.

  • Adds the ability to set the maximum lifetime of multi-document transactions per cluster.

  • Supports Azure Private Link for Serverless instances.

  • Enhancements to the Atlas billing experience for tax invoices.

  • Introduces analytics node tiers.

  • Adds support for VPC peering for Prometheus monitoring integration.

  • Adds support for VPC peering for Live Migrate (Push).

  • Disallows Atlas clusters on MongoDB 5.0+ from configuring a default read concern of available.

  • Supports new AWS region: ap-southeast-3 (Jakarta, Indonesia).

  • Supports new Google Cloud region: southamerica-west1 (Santiago, Chile).

  • Supports new Azure regions:

    • australiacentral (Canberra, Australia)

    • australiacentral2 (Canberra, Australia)

    • francesouth (Marseille, France)

    • norwaywest (Stavanger, Norway)

    • swedencentral (Gävle, Sweden)

    • swedensouth (Staffanstorp, Sweden)

    • southafricawest (Cape Town, South Africa)

    • brazilsoutheast (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

    • westus3 (Arizona, USA)

  • Introduces deploying Low-CPU Atlas clusters into additional Google Cloud regions:

    • europe-west3 (Frankfurt, Germany)

    • europe-west6 (Zurich, Switzerland)

    • northamerica-northeast1 (Montreal, Canada)

    • northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto, Canada)

    • asia-east2 (Hong Kong, China)

    • asia-northeast2 (Osaka, Japan)

    • asia-northeast3 (Seoul, South Korea)

    • asia-southeast2 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

    • europe-north1 (Finland)

    • asia-south1 (Mumbai, India)

    • southamerica-east1 (São Paulo, Brazil)

    • us-west3 (Salt Lake City, UT, USA)

    • us-west4 (Las Vegas, NV, USA)

  • Spreads newly deployed clusters in the following Azure regions across three availability zones:

    • brazilsouth (São Paulo, Brazil)

    • eastasia (Hong Kong, China)

    • norwayeast (Oslo, Norway)

    • centralindia (Pune, India)

    • koreacentral (Seoul, South Korea)

  • Spreads newly deployed clusters in the following AWS regions across three availability zones:

    • ca-central-1 (Montreal, QC, Canada)

    • ap-south-1 (Mumbai, India)

    • ap-northeast-2 (Seoul, South Korea)

    • sa-east-1 (São Paulo, Brazil)

    • ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo, Japan)

  • Supports online archive data expiration. This feature is in preview.

  • Fixes existing behavior where Metrics Chart only shows the duration for which data is available.

  • Upgrades free (M0) and shared (M2 and M5) clusters to MongoDB 5.0.

  • Defaults new clusters to MongoDB 5.0.

  • Improves the credits table in the Cloud Billing console.

  • Changes how the MongoDB Agent rotates mongosqld logs to copy and truncate.

  • Adds support for Google Private Service with Atlas Private Endpoints via the console.

  • Introduces the ability to export backup snapshots to their own Amazon S3 buckets on-demand via the API.

  • Adds support for time-series collections for Atlas Online Archive.

  • Supports the use of Security Key and Biometrics as a multi-factor authentication option.

  • Supports zstd as a compression standard for clusters on MongoDB 4.2 and later.

  • Supports M0 Free clusters and M2/M5 Shared clusters in the following regions:

    • AWS Tokyo (ap-northeast-1)

    • AWS Stockholm (eu-north-1)

    • AWS Bahrain (me-south-1)

    • Google Cloud Jakarta (asia-southeast2)

    • Google Cloud Seoul (asia-northeast3)

  • Supports increased throughput for 4 TB volumes on Azure. The following Atlas clusters deployed to Azure now offer 16,000 IOPS (up from 7,500) and 500 MB/second throughput (up from 250 MB/second):

    • New clusters with 4 TB storage volumes.

    • Existing clusters that you scale up to 4 TB storage volumes.

  • Supports Google Private Service with Atlas Private Endpoints via the API.

  • Supports the following GCP regions:

    • asia-south2 (Delhi, India)

    • australia-southeast2 (Melbourne, Australia)

    • europe-central2 (Warsaw, Poland)

  • Adds support for cluster tier auto-scaling to low-CPU class clusters.

  • Enables cluster tier auto-scaling by default for all new Atlas clusters created via the web interface.

  • Supports using Live Migration from Ops Manager or Cloud Manager for MongoDB deployments running MongoDB 5.0.

  • Introduces metrics alerts for Atlas serverless instances.

  • For Cross-Organization Billing customers, Atlas now allocates subscription charges across all linked organizations in proportion to spend.

  • Supports Osaka, Japan (ap-northeast-3) AWS region.

  • Introduces serverless instances into additional GCP regions:

    • Iowa (CENTRAL_US)

    • Belgium (WESTERN_EUROPE)

  • Introduces serverless instances into additional AWS regions:

    • Oregon (US_WEST_2)

    • Mumbai (AP_SOUTH_1)

    • Sydney (AP_SOUTHEAST_2)

  • Adds 10 second granularity cluster metrics for all dedicated clusters in projects with at least one M40+ cluster.

  • Adds support for time series collections in Data Explorer and Query Profiler.

  • Introduces the ability to create new time series collections and build secondary indexes from the UI.

  • Introduces the ability to visualize slow queries in times series collections.

  • Introduces the ability to deploy M0 Free clusters using the create endpoint.

  • Introduces Serverless instances into the following Azure regions:

    • Virginia (US_EAST_2)

    • Netherlands (EUROPE_WEST)

  • Adds metrics that report maximum observed values, in 60-second intervals, for all hardware metrics.

  • Adds the ability to specify Sort, Project, and Collation query options when you query your data using the Atlas UI.

  • Adds the ability for a user with the Project Cluster Manager role to test failover.

  • Increases the maximum number of provisioned IOPS for clusters M140 and up on AWS to 64,000 IOPS.

  • Introduces embedded data visualizations on the Billing Overview page and within each invoice.

  • Lowers data transfer rates within the following AWS regions:

    • Tokyo

    • Sydney

    • Bahrain

    • São Paulo

  • Spreads newly deployed clusters in the South Central US Azure region across three availability zones.

  • Introduces the ability to set an Atlas user account to be granted the Project Owner role on a specified project via the API.

  • Removes IP Whitelist resources. The IP Access List resource replaces the whitelist resource. We encourage you to update your applications to use this new resource.

  • Removes the API Key Whitelist endpoints. The API Key Access List endpoints replace the whitelist endpoints. We encourage you to update your applications to use these new endpoints.

  • Introduces email verification for all new Atlas user registrations.

  • Removes Personal API keys. Personal API Keys reached End of Life (EOL) on March 1, 2021. Communications sent beginning 2 years before this date notified users. We encourage you to use Programmatic API Keys.

  • Introduces a search tester UI to run queries and see results for Atlas Search.

  • Introduces Atlas Global Clusters support for using a unique compound index as a shard key and using a compound shard with a hashed second field.

  • Introduces the ability for Data Federation to target cluster analytics nodes for federated queries.

  • Supports using Realm in multi-cloud clusters.

  • Introduces a new Data Federation onboarding experience.

  • Adds API support for multi-cloud clusters.

  • Incorporates database and collection name drop-down menus in the Atlas Search index builder.

  • Supports recommendations to remove redundant indexes in Monitor and Improve Slow Queries.

  • Adds alert options for Disk IOPS and Disk Latency on Atlas.

  • Disables the ability to deploy new MongoDB 3.6 clusters.

  • Adds the ability to proactively change a cluster's TLS certificate root CA in order to test readiness ahead of the Let's Encrypt planned root CA change from IdenTrust to ISRG. All Atlas clusters' certificates will be migrated to the ISRG root CA between May and September of this year.

  • Introduces additional Asia Pacific Live Migrations regions in Singapore, Mumbai, and Tokyo.

  • Makes the M400 NVMe cluster tier available in all major AWS regions.

  • Enhances Maintenance Windows:

    • Can auto-defer maintenance by one week.

    • Displays the current and target maintenance database version when maintenance includes a version upgrade.

  • Spreads newly deployed clusters in the following Azure regions across three availability zones:

    • Germany West Central

    • South Africa North

    • Australia East

  • Supports cluster tier auto-scaling for multi-cloud clusters.

  • Improves Data Explorer load times.

  • Introduces private network access for multi-cloud clusters.

  • Atlas Free clusters (M0) and Shared clusters (M2/M5) upgraded to MongoDB 4.4.

  • Defaults new clusters to MongoDB 4.4.

  • Introduces custom archiving rules for Atlas Online Archive.

  • Introduces the ability to use an AWS IAM role to authorize Atlas to access:

    • AWS KMS encryption keys for customer key management, or

    • S3 buckets for federated database instances.

  • Introduces the ability to peer to Atlas VPCs on Google Cloud with a smaller CIDR block. When you create the network peering container using the Atlas API, you can specify a CIDR block between /21 and /24, inclusive, instead of the default, /18.

  • Adds the ability to specify an AWS ARN with a compound path when you create an AWS IAM-authenticated database user.

  • Changes the cluster-level navigation UI so that Atlas Search is now a top level tab.

  • Introduces a visual editor for creating an Atlas Search index.

  • Allows users of the BI Connector for Atlas to download BI Connector logs.

  • Offers self-serve customers the option to sign up for Atlas Pro support.

  • Introduces Low-CPU clusters into additional Google Cloud regions: us-east1 (South Carolina), us-east4 (Virginia), and australia-southeast1 (Sydney).

  • Introduces availability zones for new clusters in the Azure Canada Central region.

  • Introduces a new project setting for advanced multi-region private endpoint use.

    • The project setting requires that all clusters in a project be sharded clusters. When enabled, customers are able to configure multiple private endpoints in multiple regions and connect via regionalized connection strings.

    • When this setting is disabled (the default), only a single private endpoint can be created per region for a multi-region project. (For a single region project, multiple private endpoints have always been supported.)

  • Updates terminology for API Access List management. Introduces API Access List for Programmatic API Keys and deprecates API whitelist.

  • Supports the following AWS regions:

    • af-south-1 (Cape Town, South Africa)

    • eu-south-1 (Milan, Italy)

  • Supports the following Google Cloud regions:

    • asia-southeast2 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

    • uswest3 (Las Vegas, NV, USA)

    • uswest4 (Salt Lake City, UT, USA)

  • Supports the following Azure regions:

    • westcentralus (Wyoming, USA)

    • germanynorth (Berlin, Germany)

  • Updates terminology for Atlas cluster firewall management. Introduces IP Access List and deprecates "IP Whitelist".

  • Introduces new host-level monitoring metrics for total memory, total memory free and total swap used.

  • Reduces cluster pricing and introduces new storage options for Atlas on Azure:

    • M10 clusters include 8 GB of storage

    • M20 clusters include 16 GB of storage

    • M40 clusters include 64 GB of storage

  • Allows you to scope database users to one or more specific clusters and Data Lakes in an Atlas project.

Introduces easier authorization management for S3 access:

  • Provides a centralized UI to authorize and view AWS IAM roles and associated Data Lakes under the Atlas Project Integrations.

  • Allows you to re-use an existing AWS IAM role when granting access to a new Atlas Data Lake.

  • Introduces general availability of MongoDB 4.4.

  • Introduces Cross-Org Billing for customers on annual subscriptions.

  • Changes default for new Atlas cluster deployments to TLS 1.2 from TLS 1.1.

  • Adds Atlas Search support for geospatial search queries and autocomplete features.

  • Redesigns the MongoDB Cloud navigation.

  • Introduces schema suggestions in Performance Advisor and Data Explorer.

  • Reduces the price of NVMe storage for AWS clusters.

  • Supports the following advanced federation options for customers who use SAML-based single sign-on:

    • Restrict organization membership

    • Restrict access by domain

    • Bypass single sign-on

  • Removes legacy Legacy Backup as an option for new Google Cloud- and Azure-backed clusters. New Google Cloud- and Azure-backed clusters use Cloud Backups for backup.

  • Supports multiple connection strings to the same cluster:

    • Supports deploying a multi-region Atlas cluster on Azure and connecting to it using VNet peering.

    • Supports using Realm to connect to an Atlas cluster that uses VPC peering on Google Cloud or VNet peering on Azure.

    • Supports using MongoDB Charts to connect to an Atlas cluster that uses VPC peering on Google Cloud or VNet peering on Azure.

    • Supports using Live Migration to migrate to an Atlas cluster where VPC peering on GCP or VNet peering on Azure is enabled.

    • Supports connecting from public IP using a special connection string to an Atlas cluster on Google Cloud or Azure that is using peering.

    • Supports connecting to an Atlas cluster over an AWS VPC peering connection where you use a custom DNS provider (and AWS's built in split horizon DNS cannot be used) and a special connection string for private IP.

  • Supports M0 Free clusters and M2/M5 Shared clusters in the Google Cloud Mumbai region.

  • M10 and M20 cluster tiers now support Atlas Search. All cluster tiers running MongoDB version 4.2 and higher can use Atlas Search.

  • Supports the Google Cloud Seoul region.

  • Supports the following Azure regions:

    • Azure Norway East

    • Azure Switzerland West: This non-standard Azure region should be used as a secondary disaster recovery region for Switzerland North.

    • Azure UAE Central: This non-standard Azure region should be used secondary disaster recovery region for UAE North.

  • Supports Continuous Cloud Backups for Google Cloud and Azure backups.

  • Defaults new clusters to MongoDB 4.2.

  • Displays a review change modal to users after making edits to a cluster.

  • Supports "Click-to-Create" Index Suggestions in Performance Advisor.

  • Supports MongoDB 4.2 on AWS using Cloud Backups with Continuous Cloud Backup restores.

  • Transitions customers with Legacy Backups automatically to Cloud Backups when upgrading from 4.0 to 4.2.

  • Increases maximum storage to memory ratio:

    Cluster Tiers
    Old Max Storage Ratio
    New Max Storage Ratio

    M10 - M40



    M50+ cluster tiers



  • Increases number of connections to M10 and M20 tiers.

    Cluster Tiers
    Old Connections
    New Connections







  • Starts port numbers from 1024 instead of 1 on Atlas Private Endpoints on AWS cluster nodes.

Starting week of 24 February:

  • Scales cluster to next cluster tier (from M30 to M40 for example) to continue storage scaling when the cluster:

    • Has enabled storage auto-scaling, and

    • Approaches the cluster tier’s maximum storage level

  • Supports using Google authentication for MongoDB Cloud user login.

  • Introduces a unified login experience for MongoDB Cloud, Support, JIRA, and Feedback.

  • Removes Legacy Backup as a backup option for new AWS-backed clusters. Newly deployed AWS-backed clusters use Cloud Backups for backup.

  • Provides customers with project-level maintenance windows enabled with ability to receive the 72-hour alert notification in their configured alerts destination.

  • Modifies behavior so that clusters enter a terminal state after customers revoke MongoDB Atlas encryption keys that they manage with AWS KMS, Google Cloud KMS, or Azure Key Vault.

  • Provides ability to manage AWS PrivateLink via API.

  • Supports M0 Free clusters and M2/M5 Shared clusters in the Google Cloud Japan (Tokyo) and Azure Canada Central (Toronto) regions.

  • Introduces Atlas Triggers integration with Amazon EventBridge.

  • Introduces Identity Federation with SAML.

  • Supports higher maximum connection limits for new cluster deployments on select cluster tiers:

    • M10 lifted from 350 to 1,500

    • M20 lifted from 700 to 3,000

    • M30 lifted from 2,000 to 3,000

    • M40 lifted from 4,000 to 6,000

  • Supports the following Azure regions:

    • Germany West Central

    • Switzerland North

  • Supports M0 Free clusters and M2/M5 Shared clusters in the Google Cloud Brazil (São Paulo) region.

  • Supports M0 Free clusters in the AWS Syndey region.

  • Enables faster restores from Cloud Backup backups.

  • Introduces the Query Profiler for M10+ clusters.

  • Newly deployed MongoDB Atlas clusters in the following Azure regions will be spread across availability zones:

    • Central US

    • East US

    • East US 2

    • West US 2

    • France Central

    • North Europe

    • UK South

    • West Europe

    • Japan East

    • Southeast Asia

    Pre-existing clusters, and clusters in all other Azure other regions will continue to be deployed in Availability Sets.

  • Internal Realm/Charts-created database users and IP access list entries no longer show in the Atlas console.

  • MongoDB Cloud billing authenticates credit cards for customers in the European Economic Area in compliance with the second Payment Services Directive (PSD2). To learn more about Strong Customer Authentication, see Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Changes.

  • Supports the AWS Bahrain region.

  • Changes the preferred region in a multi-region cluster without requiring a rolling resync.

  • Adds key-value pair labels to cluster resources in the Public API.

  • Supports the Azure United Arab Emirates North region.

  • Introduces M80 general class cluster tier on AWS offering next-gen infrastructure. This replaces the more expensive M100.

  • Removes M100 cluster tier on AWS as an option for new cluster deployments.

  • Disables the ability to create new Personal API Keys. These keys are deprecated. Use Programmatic API Keys to access the Cloud Manager API.

  • Enables free daily backups for M2 and M5 clusters.

  • Unifies the login experience: accounts for MongoDB Cloud, Support, and JIRA use the same credentials.

  • Adds new project-level role Project Cluster Manager. This role allows operators to scale clusters but not allow those operators to:

    • Terminate clusters,

    • Change the security configuration changes, or

    • Access data.

  • Allows deploy single-shard sharded clusters in Atlas.

  • Support for Google Cloud Osaka region.

  • Support to search for organization or project names that are one character long.

  • Cloud Backups are now available for Google Cloud-backed clusters.

  • Atlas clusters can now use Google Cloud KMS for encryption at rest.

  • Atlas clusters now have a new MongoDB configuration option that allows agents to continue connecting even if you have exceeded the maximum number of connections. For example, this means that Atlas continues to gather monitoring data after reaching the maximum number of connections. This change affects all new Atlas clusters. Existing Atlas clusters are affected the next time you request a configuration change to a cluster.

  • Atlas projects may now use either the Legacy Backup or the
    Cloud Backups backup method. An Atlas project supports multiple backup types among clusters within that project. You must terminate the existing backup method before switching between backup methods for an Atlas cluster.
  • Enhanced left-hand navigation.

  • Atlas clusters can re-use public IP addresses when replaced in the same region.

  • Can configure backup schedule and retention for Snapshots Backup.

  • AWS EC2 Capacity for all cluster tiers in all regions and availability zones is visible via the Atlas Admin UI.

  • UX improvements to the cluster Connect modal.

  • Most server replacements get initial data from a disk snapshot of the primary instead of an initial sync.

  • Support for new Shared cluster regions:

    • AWS

      • eu-central-1 (M2/M5)

      • eu-west-1 (M0)

      • us-west-2 (M0)

    • Azure

      • northeurope (M0)

      • westus (M0/M2/M5)

  • Cloud Backups for Geo-sharded clusters.

  • Supports Google Cloud Peering.

  • Introduces Analytics Nodes. These are similar to read-only nodes but this special node type makes use of replica set tags to let you target workloads to specific secondaries.

  • Support for AWS Stockholm region. With this region comes a new largest cluster, M700.

  • Atlas on Azure 2.0.

    • M10, M80, and M200 clusters are now supported in all regions. The M90 tier is going to be removed shortly.

    • Pricing reductions in most regions.

    • All Azure clusters have been migrated to latest generation hardware.

  • Optimizes safe cluster upgrades after failure (no user-facing components, internal Atlas planner optimizations).

  • Allows creation of API Keys that are scoped to an organization and are not tied to a human.

  • Credit cards will be authorized for a small amount ($1.00) to reduce the risk of failed charges.

  • Users can now remove themselves from a project.

  • Optimizes automated rollout to ensure that rollouts happen within 1 U.S. East business day for non-maintenance-window projects.

  • Provides more visibility to maintenance timing in the administration user interface.

  • Supports On-Demand Cloud Backups.

  • Allow users to set when they would prefer to start Atlas maintenance.

  • Support NVMe storage.

  • Create and manage custom roles for database users.

  • Can peer across regions.

  • Improved speed of backup restores for Legacy Backup.

  • Improved the Cluster Connect experience.

  • Support for sharded clusters for Snapshot Backup in both AWS and Azure.

  • Support for new GCP regions:

    • Finland

    • Los Angeles

    • Hong Kong

  • Improved experience for connecting to cluster.

  • Can now set advanced configuration options when deploying the Business Intelligence Connector.

  • Can restrict MongoDB employee access to their Atlas servers.

  • Can use Snapshot Backups for sharded clusters AWS and Azure as private preview.

  • Can now create rolling indexes via Data Explorer.

  • Ability for Project Owners to disable the use of Data Explorer for their Project.

  • Encrypted Storage Engine available with Azure KeyVault integration

  • Data Explorer Available for Atlas Shared clusters (M0/M2/M5)

  • Public API: Ability to perform point in time automated restores

  • Send project alert notifications to organization members by role


Release Notes